Projects with this topic
A java app able to launch VMWare virtual machines and run scripts or commands on the guests through ssh. The app automatically retrieves guest's IP by scanning the subnet and comparing ARP table with the guest's MAC address.
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This project is a fork of the JMyOggRadioPlayer, which is originally hosted on Sourceforge, developed by homer65x (Christian Ehm) and licensed under the GPLv2. The origin project can be found at:
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Add link to Players Card and change Twitter players, and put "real" links where it's possible without any request.
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Media streamer for service
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A filebrowser plugin for the DeaDBeeF audio player.
Check out the source (see README for info):
Old project home:
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Brightcove player examples
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DeaDBeeF is an audio player for GNU/Linux systems with X11 written in C and C++.
This is my personal, cloned repository. If you're looking for the official version of DeaDBeeF, please go to instead.
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Web mp3 player - set a folder in your file system and everybody will navigate through the folders and listen to the music stored there. This is a Netbeans + Glassfish 4 prj. It requires a Glassfish functionality - virtual server - to work.