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enabling XSS protections on
HTTP Headers can configure a number of browser protections for XSS attacks. Currently, is not configured to use them:
To change this, mod_headers needs to be enabled. Then .htaccess already can override FileInfo
settings, which includes the Header
# Setting this header will prevent MSIE from interpreting files as something
# else than declared by the content type in the HTTP headers.
# Requires mod_headers to be enabled.
Header always set X-Content-Type-Options: "nosniff"
# Setting this header will prevent other sites from embedding pages from this
# site as frames. This defends against clickjacking attacks.
# Requires mod_headers to be enabled.
Header always set X-Frame-Options: "sameorigin"
# This header is used to configure the built in reflective XSS
# protection found in Internet Explorer, Chrome and Safari
# (Webkit). Valid settings for the header are 0, which disables the
# protection, 1 which enables the protection and 1; mode=block which
# tells the browser to block the response if it detects an attack
# rather than sanitising the script.
Header always set X-Xss-Protection: "1; mode=block"
# The browser will set the referrer header to the origin from which
# the request was made, but only send referrer info to HTTPS
# sites. This will strip any path information from the referrer
# information.
Header always set Referrer-Policy: "strict-origin"
# Content Security Policy is delivered via a HTTP response header and
# defines approved sources of content that the browser may load.
Header always set Content-Security-Policy: "default-src 'self'; script-src 'self'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline';"
There is another scanner for these headers: already gets a B. I tested this config on