Category colors
Hey @pserwylo! In the original design of categories, I had determined specific colors to use for each background. We're including these in Repomaker now. Will you implement these in the app?
This is related, but probably needs a separate ticket—In Repomaker, we're listing the categories in alphabetical order so that it's easier to find one you may be looking for. Can we also do this in the client, so that they are consistent?
Connectivity CBEFEC
Development E2D6BC
Games F3B569
Graphics F65A5A
Internet 73EABC
Money DDDDD0
Multimedia FF7F66
Navigation 94D6FD
Phone and SMS F3CFC0
Reading D6A07A
Science & Education F4F4EC
Security FFD15F
Sports & Health ADCEDE
System D3DB77
Theming DEEFE9
Time FF7043
Writing F2E9CE