View screenshots in full screen
- F-Droid version (in the About screen): v0.103-alpha1
What did you do? (clear steps if possible)
Opened App Details for an app that has screenshots (e.g. any of the apps in the Guardian Project repository).
What did you expect to see?
Screenshots which you can scroll through, and the ability to view each screenshot in more detail.
What did you see instead?
While screenshots can be scrolled left to right correctly, users are unable to see them in more detail (e.g. full screen).
We should make it so that when a screenshot is touched or held, that it is shown in fullscreen. I'm not quite sure on the exact UX that this would entail, but happy to hear suggestions (ping @crwinfrey). I'm not sure how big each screenshot is expected to be (ping @eighthave). If they are not particularly high resolution (e.g. this screenshot) then perhaps it should not be full screen, but rather it should expand to take up most of the screen as a popup?