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Port most tests to JVM via Robolectric library

Fixes #607 (closed).

This ports all but one of the tests from app/src/androidTest to app/src/test to be run on the JVM.

I would've liked to port the final one, but it must be run on Android because we are testing the ability of an Android OS to perform symlinks. Also, it is not a bad thing in itself to have tests run on an emulator, just that those which can be run on the host JVM should be. In the future, there will no doubt be other tests which are required to run on the JVM. At the very least, we should be able to run tests on faster emulators now because we are not constrained by the failing provider tests.

This branch required only very minimal changes to the client code, but resulted in the removal of a whole bunch of crappy mocking code that I had to add in order to support testing of the content providers (i.e. navigating around all of the final/hidden/etc apis in Android).

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