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Make App and Apk parcelable and fix related installer NPEs

Installations fails currently due to

  885                    ACRA  E  Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  885                    ACRA  E  at org.fdroid.fdroid.installer.InstallManagerService.getAppName(
  885                    ACRA  E  at org.fdroid.fdroid.installer.InstallManagerService.createNotificationBuilder(
  885                    ACRA  E  at org.fdroid.fdroid.installer.InstallManagerService.onStartCommand(
  885                    ACRA  E  at
  885                    ACRA  E  ... 10 more

This bug has been introduced in where the packageName has been removed from the toContentValues() method.

The usage of ContentValues to send App/Apk objects to services was an hack in my opinion. Thus, this PRs introduces proper parceling of App and Apk classes.

@pserwylo @eighthave @mvdan

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