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Skip non-FSDG-compliant apps on Replicant during repo data parsing

Replicant is committed to follow the GNU Free System Distribution Guidelines (FSDG). Apps with certain anti-feature flags in F-Droid violate these guidelines and thus shouldn't be available in the F-Droid client on Replicant. See the corresponding bug on the Replicant issue tracker.

#564 discusses this, although only the case of having apps with anti-features optionally filtered. To be compliant with the FSDG guidelines, all violating apps must not be accessible and there shouldn't be a setting to make them visible. Simply not saving them in the database seemed the easiest solution.

Not all anti-features in F-Droid violate the FSDG guidelines, so no need to filter all of them. Currently, it looks like the anti-features Tracking, NonFreeAdd, NonFreeDep and NonFreeAssets are incompatible with the FSDG guidelines.

A check on the system property os.version ensures that only on Replicant the apps are skipped.

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