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Change title and remove refresh action from repo management screen

username-removed-556353 requested to merge smichel17/fdroidclient:master into master

Right now when you open the repo management screen, the title says "F-Droid". I updated it to "Repositories", since that's the button the user just clicked to get there. Currently, I just re-used the menu_manage string; if you'd prefer I duplicate that string so it can be modified separately, let me know and I'll do that.

Then, I removed the Refresh menu action. It made sense in the old UI, where there was a refresh button on every page, but I don't think it has a purpose any more.

  • There's no reason you'd want to update from this screen unless you just added or removed a repo
  • Adding or removing a repo already updates the index automatically
    • This is not fully working, see #1028 (closed). However, updating the repo is not a workaround for that bug, so it does not block merging this MR.
  • Therefore, it makes sense to remove this option.

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