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Removed prebuild sed patch from

This is not needed. In addition to only declaring the google play services dependency in the wear flavor (not used in frdoid), like this:

wearCompile ''

there is an additional check to ensure that this line is not even executed, as long as at least one of the tasks in the gradle command line contains the string "foss".

In settings.gradle:

boolean includeWear=true;
// If we are building with a "foss" task, don't include the wearable module.
for(String taskName : startParameter.taskNames) {
include ':handheld', ':common'
  include ':wearable'

In handheld/build.gradle:

    // Package the wear apk inside this one (only for the 'wear' flavor)
    if(rootProject.findProject("wearable") != null) {
        wearCompile ''
        wearWearApp project(':wearable')

I understand that most projects with proprietary vs foss flavors don't have this additional check, which is why the sed patch is usually needed.

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