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de.hu_berlin.informatik.spws2014.mapever: initial version

username-removed-127911 requested to merge diedricm/fdroiddata:master into master

Hi I would like to submit an app that uses Java OpenCV Android. I am unsure on how to include the OpenCV lib into the build process. The lib I downloaded is located here: (Version 2.4.9). As far as I know this is the only (binary) source for this library(which is free software). In the app I both link to the opencv android project using the and copy some binary libs to MyAppName/libs. The project currently compiles out of the box if opened in eclipse. Could you give me any pointers on how I should set this project up in order to submit my app for f-droid? Or is it fundamentally incompatible unless I compile this OpenCV library as part of the build process?

Link to a version of this App: Currently the build process with fdroid build fails. I hope it is not terribly wrong the I ask this question here.

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