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builds straight from source repo using .fdroid.yml

The overarching theme of the merge request is allowing .fdroid.yml to be included in an app's source repo, then letting fdroid build build the app straight out of the git repo without requiring a setup like fdroiddata (e.g., metadata/packagename.txt, etc.). fdroiddata repos can then include source repos with a .fdroid.yml by having metadata/packagename.txt that includes just:

Repo Type:git

Any other metadata fields that are included in metadata/packagename.txt will override what is in .fdroid.yml, giving the repo manager the final say about what is included in their repo. This setup provides a number of benefits:

  • CI systems like jenkins, travis, gitlab-ci can build from .fdroid.yml
  • very easy to start building apps using fdroid build, no separate repo needed
  • some maintenance can be offloaded to the upstream dev

Merge request reports