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create txt format Metadata if (and only if) template.txt exists (closes #352)

As per this comment:

If, and only if, the file template.txt exists in the repository root, use this as base for Metadata creation when --create-metadata is active. No parsing will be done, but some RegEx replaces:

  • all occurences of {{app_name}} will be replaced by the app's name (or, if that's not available, the packageName – equivalent to the Yaml part)
  • all occurences of {{date_today}} will be replaced with the date at the time of metadata creation, in the format YYYY-MM-DD (useful for Maintainer Notes – which is what I use this for)

If the file template.txt does NOT exist, Metadata are processed as before (Yaml format, considering a template.yml if existing).

Note: this is only for the initial creation of Metadata – not for rewriting them or anything else. An example template was added as examples/template.txt.

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