In the current design, apps are updated manually on an individual basis.
@grote would it be possible to allow the user to drag and drop (for example) 5 new .apk files into the repo view (for apps they have previously added), and have them auto-update? So, when you open the app detail view, the latest version would be listed.
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would it be possible to allow the user to drag and drop (for example) 5 new .apk files into the repo view (for apps they have previously added), and have them auto-update?
From what I can see, this is a big improvement for manually updating apps and is indeed possible to do.
Awesome. Thank you Nico, for the feedback. I will include a place within the design for users to manually upload an .apk to the app detail view, as well. But, for making multiple updates, this feature would be super!
@grote I think your design is great and correct me if I'm wrong but this issue is about the repo view. Your design works perfectly for the app view because it needs to know which apps the files belong to.
I understand this issue that a user drag and drop files in the repo view like he does currently with "browse to upload". The new thing is that we now think about handling updates i.e. files that match to an app already added to a repo.
So when the user uploads multiple files, we add all to the app that are proper updates and refuse all the rest. These can be:
files that have a different file type than the existing files (e.g. user uploads an image, but the existing files are APKs)
APKs that does not belong to the current app
APKs that belong to the current app, but have a different signature
When we encounter any of those, we should provide the user with the filename that she tried to upload and with a reason why it was rejected.
I agree that this makes sense for the app detail view as @NicoAlt mentioned.
When dragging files into the app section of the repo, similar considerations apply though. There we would need to reject:
possibly forbidden file types (.php, .py)
APKs that would be an update for an existing app, but already exist or have a wrong signature
This makes sense for adding to the repo index. For .apks that are added here, they would NOT be rejected if
the key matches an app that is already in the repo AND is a new version
it's a new app that isn't already in the repo
@grote Can we apply this workflow to other file types (documents, audio, video, etc.)? Do they also have a signature?
Can we apply this workflow to other file types (documents, audio, video, etc.)? Do they also have a signature?
They don't have a signature unfortunately. We can apply a similar logic when they are uploaded en masse.
However, things get even more complicated when one non-apk file should be considered an update of another one.
We can not automatically detect if one file is supposed to be an update for another one. So updates for those need to be uploaded directly in the app edit mode. Then, we could reject certain files when they have a different type than the existing versions. For example, if the first version was a video and then an ebook is uploaded as an update, we would probably need to reject that.
But we can't do much when a ZIP file is uploaded (type OTHER) and then a DMG file is uploaded as an update for the zip file.