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Bump hashicorp/google from 4.84.0 to 5.0.0 in /deploy

Bumps hashicorp/google from 4.84.0 to 5.0.0.

Release notes

Sourced from hashicorp/google's releases.



  • Updating some resources post-upgrade results in an error like "The update_mask in the Update{{Resource}}Request must be set". This should be resolved in 5.1.0, see hashicorp/terraform-provider-google#16091 for details.

Terraform Google Provider 5.0.0 Upgrade Guide


  • provider: some provider default values are now shown at plan-time (#15707)


  • provider: default labels configured on the provider through the new default_labels field are now supported. The default labels configured on the provider will be applied to all of the resources with standard labels field.
  • provider: resources with labels - three label-related fields are now in all of the resources with standard labels field. labels field is non-authoritative and only manages the labels defined by the users on the resource through Terraform. The new output-only terraform_labels field merges the labels defined by the users on the resource through Terraform and the default labels configured on the provider. The new output-only effective_labels field lists all of labels present on the resource in GCP, including the labels configured through Terraform, the system, and other clients.
  • provider: resources with annotations - two annotation-related fields are now in all of the resources with standard annotations field. The annotations field is non-authoritative and only manages the annotations defined by the users on the resource through Terraform. The new output-only effective_annotations field lists all of annotations present on the resource in GCP, including the annotations configured through Terraform, the system, and other clients.
  • provider: datasources with labels - three fields labels, terraform_labels, and effective_labels are now present in most resource-based datasources. All three fields have all of labels present on the resource in GCP including the labels configured through Terraform, the system, and other clients, equivalent to effective_labels on the resource.
  • provider: datasources with annotations - both annotations and effective_annotations are now present in most resource-based datasources. Both fields have all of annotations present on the resource in GCP including the annotations configured through Terraform, the system, and other clients, equivalent to effective_annotations on the resource.


  • provider: added provider-level validation so these fields are not set as empty strings in a user's config: credentials, access_token, impersonate_service_account, project, billing_project, region, zone (#15968)
  • provider: fixed many import functions throughout the provider that matched a subset of the provided input when possible. Now, the GCP resource id supplied to "terraform import" must match exactly. (#15977)
  • provider: made data sources return errors on 404s when applicable instead of silently failing (#15799)
  • provider: made empty strings in the provider configuration block no longer be ignored when configuring the provider(#15968)
  • accesscontextmanager: changed multiple array fields to sets where appropriate to prevent duplicates and fix diffs caused by server side reordering. (#15756)
  • bigquery: added more input validations for google_bigquery_table schema (#15338)
  • bigquery: made routine_type required for google_bigquery_routine (#15517)
  • cloudfunction2: made location required on google_cloudfunctions2_function (#15830)
  • cloudiot: removed deprecated datasource google_cloudiot_registry_iam_policy (#15739)
  • cloudiot: removed deprecated resource google_cloudiot_device (#15739)
  • cloudiot: removed deprecated resource google_cloudiot_registry (#15739)
  • cloudiot: removed deprecated resource google_cloudiot_registry_iam_* (#15739)
  • cloudrunv2: removed deprecated field liveness_probe.tcp_socket from google_cloud_run_v2_service resource. (#15430)
  • cloudrunv2: removed deprecated fields startup_probe and liveness_probe from google_cloud_run_v2_job resource. (#15430)
  • cloudrunv2: retyped volumes.cloud_sql_instance.instances to SET from ARRAY for google_cloud_run_v2_service (#15831)
  • compute: made google_compute_node_group require one of initial_size or autoscaling_policy fields configured upon resource creation (#16006)
  • compute: made size in google_compute_node_group an output only field. (#16006)
  • compute: removed default value for rule.rate_limit_options.encorce_on_key on resource google_compute_security_policy (#15681)
  • compute: retyped consumer_accept_lists to a SET from an ARRAY type for google_compute_service_attachment (#15985)
  • container: added deletion_protection to google_container_cluster which is enabled to true by default. When enabled, this field prevents Terraform from deleting the resource. (#16013)
  • container: changed management.auto_repair and management.auto_upgrade defaults to true in google_container_node_pool (#15931)
  • container: changed networking_mode default to VPC_NATIVE for newly created google_container_cluster resources (#6402)
  • container: removed enable_binary_authorization in google_container_cluster (#15868)
  • container: removed default for logging_variant in google_container_node_pool (#15931)
  • container: removed default value in network_policy.provider in google_container_cluster (#15920)
  • container: removed the behaviour that google_container_cluster will delete the cluster if it's created in an error state. Instead, it will mark the cluster as tainted, allowing manual inspection and intervention. To proceed with deletion, run another terraform apply. (#15887)
  • container: reworked the taint field in google_container_cluster and google_container_node_pool to only manage a subset of taint keys based on those already in state. Most existing resources are unaffected, unless they use sandbox_config- see upgrade guide for details. (#15959)
  • dataplex: removed data_profile_result and data_quality_result from google_dataplex_scan (#15505)
  • firebase: changed deletion_policy default to DELETE for google_firebase_web_app. (#15406)
  • firebase: removed google_firebase_project_location (#15764)
  • gameservices: removed Terraform support for gameservices (#15558)
  • logging: changed the default value of unique_writer_identity from false to true in google_logging_project_sink. (#15743)

... (truncated)


Sourced from hashicorp/google's changelog.

5.0.0 (Oct 2, 2023)


  • Updating some resources post-upgrade results in an error like "The update_mask in the Update{{Resource}}Request must be set". This should be resolved in 5.1.0, see hashicorp/terraform-provider-google#16091 for details.

Terraform Google Provider 5.0.0 Upgrade Guide


  • provider: some provider default values are now shown at plan-time (#15707)


  • provider: default labels configured on the provider through the new default_labels field are now supported. The default labels configured on the provider will be applied to all of the resources with standard labels field.
  • provider: resources with labels - three label-related fields are now in all of the resources with standard labels field. labels field is non-authoritative and only manages the labels defined by the users on the resource through Terraform. The new output-only terraform_labels field merges the labels defined by the users on the resource through Terraform and the default labels configured on the provider. The new output-only effective_labels field lists all of labels present on the resource in GCP, including the labels configured through Terraform, the system, and other clients.
  • provider: resources with annotations - two annotation-related fields are now in all of the resources with standard annotations field. The annotations field is non-authoritative and only manages the annotations defined by the users on the resource through Terraform. The new output-only effective_annotations field lists all of annotations present on the resource in GCP, including the annotations configured through Terraform, the system, and other clients.
  • provider: datasources with labels - three fields labels, terraform_labels, and effective_labels are now present in most resource-based datasources. All three fields have all of labels present on the resource in GCP including the labels configured through Terraform, the system, and other clients, equivalent to effective_labels on the resource.
  • provider: datasources with annotations - both annotations and effective_annotations are now present in most resource-based datasources. Both fields have all of annotations present on the resource in GCP including the annotations configured through Terraform, the system, and other clients, equivalent to effective_annotations on the resource.


  • provider: added provider-level validation so these fields are not set as empty strings in a user's config: credentials, access_token, impersonate_service_account, project, billing_project, region, zone (#15968)
  • provider: fixed many import functions throughout the provider that matched a subset of the provided input when possible. Now, the GCP resource id supplied to "terraform import" must match exactly. (#15977)
  • provider: made data sources return errors on 404s when applicable instead of silently failing (#15799)
  • provider: made empty strings in the provider configuration block no longer be ignored when configuring the provider(#15968)
  • accesscontextmanager: changed multiple array fields to sets where appropriate to prevent duplicates and fix diffs caused by server side reordering. (#15756)
  • bigquery: added more input validations for google_bigquery_table schema (#15338)
  • bigquery: made routine_type required for google_bigquery_routine (#15517)
  • cloudfunction2: made location required on google_cloudfunctions2_function (#15830)
  • cloudiot: removed deprecated datasource google_cloudiot_registry_iam_policy (#15739)
  • cloudiot: removed deprecated resource google_cloudiot_device (#15739)
  • cloudiot: removed deprecated resource google_cloudiot_registry (#15739)
  • cloudiot: removed deprecated resource google_cloudiot_registry_iam_* (#15739)
  • cloudrunv2: removed deprecated field liveness_probe.tcp_socket from google_cloud_run_v2_service resource. (#15430)
  • cloudrunv2: removed deprecated fields startup_probe and liveness_probe from google_cloud_run_v2_job resource. (#15430)
  • cloudrunv2: retyped volumes.cloud_sql_instance.instances to SET from ARRAY for google_cloud_run_v2_service (#15831)
  • compute: made google_compute_node_group require one of initial_size or autoscaling_policy fields configured upon resource creation (#16006)
  • compute: made size in google_compute_node_group an output only field. (#16006)
  • compute: removed default value for rule.rate_limit_options.encorce_on_key on resource google_compute_security_policy (#15681)
  • compute: retyped consumer_accept_lists to a SET from an ARRAY type for google_compute_service_attachment (#15985)
  • container: added deletion_protection to google_container_cluster which is enabled to true by default. When enabled, this field prevents Terraform from deleting the resource. (#16013)
  • container: changed management.auto_repair and management.auto_upgrade defaults to true in google_container_node_pool (#15931)
  • container: changed networking_mode default to VPC_NATIVE for newly created google_container_cluster resources (#6402)
  • container: removed enable_binary_authorization in google_container_cluster (#15868)
  • container: removed default for logging_variant in google_container_node_pool (#15931)
  • container: removed default value in network_policy.provider in google_container_cluster (#15920)
  • container: removed the behaviour that google_container_cluster will delete the cluster if it's created in an error state. Instead, it will mark the cluster as tainted, allowing manual inspection and intervention. To proceed with deletion, run another terraform apply. (#15887)
  • container: reworked the taint field in google_container_cluster and google_container_node_pool to only manage a subset of taint keys based on those already in state. Most existing resources are unaffected, unless they use sandbox_config- see upgrade guide for details. (#15959)
  • dataplex: removed data_profile_result and data_quality_result from google_dataplex_scan (#15505)
  • firebase: changed deletion_policy default to DELETE for google_firebase_web_app. (#15406)
  • firebase: removed google_firebase_project_location (#15764)
  • gameservices: removed Terraform support for gameservices (#15558)

... (truncated)


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