Refresh Downloads page
Two things should be made extremely simple on downloading CE, and easily discovering our paid offer (EE or or Githost). is the 2nd most visited page on the site.
The current Download page, despite being very complete:
- lacks a proper structure to indicate the different ways we can get CE
- mixes links together ("Update" is hidden inside a set of links in the content)
We should make it better.
What is the goal of changing the page?
- We want to have a better structure on the page
- Make it look less like a side project, and more like a complete, professional product.
What metrics are we trying to affect?
- We want to increase the number of signups on the newsletter.
- We want to increase the number of visits to the EE page from the Download page
How will we decide if the change was successful or not?
- We will check the evolution of the number of signups
- We will check traffic change on Google Analytics
Missing from the wireframe and still need to find a place:
- newsletter box
- mention of GitLab Runner (why is that important?)
- Browse the packages