Remove indirection from top navigation
We (want to) grow revenue primarily through subscriptions. Therefore we should organise our top navigation (and everything else) by that rule.
I propose the following top navigation:
- Pricing (highlighted)
- Features
- Blog
- About us (link to /company)
- Community
- GitLab CI
- Sign in (button)
We can easily make the information in about us
a single page and link from there to pages such as press (which are much less visited, but easy to find if you need it).
From subscriptions we link to features and back. On that page we also include a line that if you are interested in other services, you can find them in our services page or link directly to the consultancy / training / development pages.
The products page will be deprecated.
The GitLab CI page is 5x-10x less visited than the (previously) /gitlab-ce and /gitlab-ee pages. This makes it easier to navigate to it and will force us to redo that page as well.
To do
- Add links / calls to action from subscriptions (pricing) to the other forms of consultancy that we offer so /services can be deprecated
- Redesign About us page to include other pages
- Update navigation bar
- Ensure all links are (still) available in the footer. The footer is where you want to go for specific things.
- Add to pricing