about.gitlab.com/community - Community page redesign
@AshleyS @sytses Probably I did this the wrong way. I thought I had to have some "code" for review, but should have just opened up the MR for discussion.
The purpose of this MR is to discuss what should be on the /community page, and within that section.
What should be in this space?
Goal of page
Visitors want to know: Where are MY PEOPLE?
- Online events and in-person Events
- Online places to talk with the community
- Ways to get involved
- FACE - see people
- MAPS - where is the action?
Forms to contact us
- Get involved and run an event
- Write for us
Look at examples - what do we like?
- GitHub - this is focused on sponsorship requests, creating events, or they host events. https://community.github.com/
- Docker - Events, forums, community news. Big message: “Get involved” https://www.docker.com/docker-community
- Docker also has an “open source” community page https://www.docker.com/open-source
- Chef- it’s a focus on resources and contribution. nothing about events. Webinars is its own section. https://www.chef.io/community/
- Algolia - https://community.algolia.com/
Cool programs for community involvement
Mozilla reps is a good example too https://reps.mozilla.org/