BTW After a little research, I compiled this list below of sites that showcase GitLab in some way still using old Tanuki's and would be worth contacting too. If there is nobody free to do it I'd be happy to contact them if needed. :thumbs_up_reverse:
I think @lukebabb is working on brand guidelines and getting resources together. I'm sure he'd appreciate the help from a community member. That is awesome of you to offer notifying them! It will really help in raising awareness about GitLab.
@gaiapunk wow, great work! We certainly appreciate you tracking these down. If you wouldn't mind contacting them that would be a huge help!
I have already been in touch with DigitalOcean and will touch base with them again. Also don't worry about the Cafepress Store, we have our own swag shop now so I'd imagine we'll look at shutting Cafepress down. cc @nearlythere
You can also find SVG versions of these files in the GitLab Artwork repo if needed. Thanks again for your help Evan! Let us know if you need help getting in touch with any of these companies.