Add a page to refer people to for writing for us
This page describes the Community writers program.
- How it works
- What we're looking for
- A link to form
It's not currently linked from anywhere. We will start by sending the link invite-only to start while we iron out the process, create styleguide etc.
Merge request reports
This page can also be redesigned, but we can start by getting the content up!
Reassigned to @nearlythere
@rspeicher hah! deleted.
Also - Per @AshleyS's request!
- Added image
- Clear CTA button
- Bottom spacing
- Changed path to community/writers
Later we can also list all the fabulous writers that have participated! So makes sense to be "writers" plural, besides the fact that it reads better out loud.
This thing is GOOD TO GO.
Edited by username-removed-303699mentioned in merge request !1378 (merged)
Added 1 commit:
- 65a1e61c - actually putting this in the right branch. this is the call for writers updated.
Added 1 commit:
- 6e289efa - add image
@axil For your consideration!
@nearlythere does this really need to be an html page or can we make it a markdown one?
@sytses Hmm I based this off of other regular pages in these sections, and they were HTML. I assumed to use the magic of bootstrap I needed to use HTML. Is that wrong?
@nearlythere do you need a grid on this page? or can it just be a simple web page?
@sytses Yes, In this case to take advantage of the responsive image class and other layout tools. We can work on the basic page template to make it possible to add feature images in the redesign.
I think I get it... this page is hard to read as HTML. As Alex also pointed out there are spacing issues.
I honestly am not great at writing HTML, I even fell back to markdown mode. I used a tool to format the HTML. It's not pretty. I can fix tomorrow.
I think it does have to be done in HTML in this case - for the layout + image.
Added 1 commit:
- f3cee56d - reformat to make it all nice and pretty.
Added 1 commit:
- e7209ce3 - fix link
Added 1 commit:
- 78227862 - typos fixed
mentioned in commit 4d4439fb
mentioned in commit e59b2d18