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Improving Sales Training

Eliran Mesika requested to merge training into master

As part of my personal training I felt we could improve on our training scheme. In an attempt to streamline the training (and following talks with @ChadMalchow and @sytses), I took a deep look into the current training plan and the available resources on the topics we want new trainees to master. I've introduced two sections that aim to provide a clearer entry into the whole topic of training, with the goal of giving new sales members who do not have a background in the ALM space an easier way into this realm.

I first touched on the "What is Git", which should give you a very good base in both understanding the history of version control and how it started as well as the logic of the Git module.

The next sub-section I wanted to bolster was the ALM coverage and eco-system. I've added resources to give a background to the concept, the backbones for the flow, the great video Haydn made on the eco-system (which was already used) and another resource to cover development methodologies.

This is a starter to get things rolling and start a discussion on how we can improve based on feedback I personally had and feedback I've collected.

Would love to hear your thoughts @ChadMalchow @sytses

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