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Customer On-boarding & Success

Julie Manalo requested to merge patch-47 into master

Customer On-boarding

  1. Welcome! — Welcome the customer on board GitLab, introduce yourself and your purpose within the company and how you will support them throughout the relationship with the business and what they can expect from you. Provide the introduction to support and how to obtain support "For enterprise Enterprise Edition receive next business day support via e-mail. Please submit your support request through the support web form

  2. Personal introduction - (2-5 days) Create a task in Salesforce to conduct a personal introduction to your new account contacts. This should be quick and informal phone call, this is not an opportunity for discovery but an outreach for you to build rapport and open lines for communication.

  3. Installation follow-up - (7-10 days) Create a task in Salesforce to follow-up on the installation, was it successful did they have encounter any issues, were the issues self resolved by using documentation or was the help of support required.

  4. Education — (20-30 days) Create a task in Salesforce for product education. Remind your customer that our releases are on the 22nd of each month. Depending on your timing of this correspondence you may inform them of any major enhancements that have been released or are about to be released.

  5. Discovery — (60 days) Now that your customer has had some time and experience using gitlab, set out to discover the need for EE features and products. Questions to guide you can be found here

  6. Check-in - (90 days) Create a task in salesforce for check-in with customer. Ask if the customer has any outstanding issues? Do they have any feature requests?. This is also an oppertunity to identify if there has been any changes in the organisation, is there opportunity for further user adoption? Are the key decision makers and license contacts still current?

  7. Outlook - (6 months) Same as 90 day task, additionally discuss what the customer roadmap and outlook looks like for the next 6 months. What can we expect in terms terms of growth, what does the customer expect in terms of our product and offerings.

  8. Renewal - (10 months) Check in with the customer and let them know they are soon due for renewal. Are there any changes to who is responsible for the renewal or otherwise?

  9. Renewal - (11 months) Check in with the customer if they have not yet renewed, if there are any blockers to renewal or any changes to expect.

  10. Renewal - (12 months) Follow up with the customer, if we have lost their renewal discover the reasons why we did not succeed and if any changes can be made or improved. If they have moved to another solution, which and why?

Data Integrity

Ensure that your contact records are populated with as much information as possible. It is important to gather as early as possible. Utilise previous correspondence or Linkedin as additional resources for your data.

  1. Title
  2. Role
  3. Email
  4. Contact number

Note, it may be important to note the salutation of a contact/lead from APAC, where possible it should be identified

Customer Engagement

  1. When you have been assigned a new account/new customer engage send a formal introduction ask to know more information about the customer role within the company and how GitLab brings value to their organisation, any feedback or outstanding issues they may have. Tip, use html format for your emails - Salesforce will let you know if your recipient has read your email

So you got a response now what?

Note a summary of your feedback in salesforce and any key points that you will need to follow up on your next check-in.

Issues Request the GitLab ID for your customer and create a new issue where necessary If there is good business justification for an existing issue, you can advocate on behalf of the customer

Support If the customer has a support query, log a zendesk ticket on their behalf

  1. Create a 'task' in salesforce to follow up 30 days from the last point contact. Consider asking how they felt a issue is being handled or how it was resolved, did they have any feedback on the latest release or feature? Did they have a feature request.

  2. Create a 'task' in salesforce to follow up on 60 days

Unsuccessful Customer Engagement

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