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Update release templates

username-removed-236961 requested to merge update-release-templates into master

Follows chat conversation.

  • Try to make it clearer when it's the main release, a patch release, or a security release.
  • Update frontmatter
  • Specify which products (CE, EE) are affected by each version. E.g.; "8.15.7 (CE, EE)" or "8.16.3 (CE)"
  • Make the title short; the info about the main features should be in the description, not in the title. The are both displayed on the post's hero.
  • Remove "GitLab" as the author: we dropped this long ago, preferring to attribute the post to a real person. Using "GitLab" as the author should be an option only for extremely delicate situations (e.g. DB outage post).
  • Security Release template content should be completed by security team members (they know what should be included better than I do ;)

cc/ @ernstvn @briann @ClemMakesApps @JobV @dblessing @DouweM @rspeicher @stanhu

Merge request reports