Minor spelling correction to the leadership section of the handbook.
Made a minor spelling correction to the leadership section of the handbook. I wanted to try something small and inconsequential to learn how to use GitLab to make these kinds of changes. In this case, I just edited the file directly without creating a branch prior ... testing to see if this works. GL made me select a source branch and defaulted to patch-263. I'm not sure what that is, but gave it a shot.
Merge request reports
assigned to @rspeicher
@mmclaughlin Looks good to me, thanks!
👍 mentioned in commit 6c9bbba5
@rspeicher - What wasn't clear to me was to know who to assign a handbook issue to. If I were to make additional contributions over time, would I assume them to you ... or would it depend on the part of the handbook. Any guidance on that process would be appreciated. Thanks!
@mmclaughlin Yeah there's not really a hard-and-fast rule. I was just looking through open MRs here and happened to spot it.
If it's updating the handbook, usually someone in People Ops or Ernst is a good bet.