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Some standards we can use to clarify what we mean by performance

Ernst van Nierop requested to merge evn-more-fe into master

I feel that something like this is necessary since we have different goals / ways of speaking about performance in different parts of the handbook.

For instance, if this MR has support, the next step would be to refer to this section from which lists target time to first byte (TTFB) to be 1 s for new pages, 2 s as the limit for old pages, 5 s as totally unacceptable. That's helpful, but skips all the frontend stuff.

Similarly, in the OKRs we list:

  • CEO: ready for mission-critical tasks. 99% of user requests < 1s
    • VP Scaling: Lower latency. 99% of user requests < 1 second
    • VP Eng: Lower latency in application
      • Discussion: Solve performance issues. Reduce p95 of discussion-related actions with over 10 hits/day to < 1 s. Reduce p99 to < 3 s.
      • Platform: Solve performance issues. Reduce p95 of platform-related actions with over 10 hits/day to < 1 s. Reduce p99 to < 3 s.

but we don't quite specify there what time is being measured... TTFB? Full load time? Etc.

Then finally, in my first attempt at clarifying that, I at one point added this to the infrastructure handbook:'s performance.

  • Current goal: 99% of user requests < 1 second
  • Latency here is currently measured via the "Transaction Timings" dashboard linked above. Those timings only represent part of the web request processing time but are well-defined.

Those "transaction timings" are not equal to TTFB, since they are internal to the backend.

So I'd propose that we set targets as specified here: one for overall user experience basing it on sample pages, and then separate (lower) targets for backend with a little bit of network latency to get TTFB.

We still need to specify a network speed; or just live with whatever is "native connectivity" from the DO boxes that we run our Blackbox monitoring on.

\cc @JobV @sytses @stanhu @jschatz1 @timzallmann @sitschner @pcarranza

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