Live stream post
Teaser for live event 10/9. Review app:
Closes marketing#1505
Merge request reports
@luke is working on the cover image, will add it ASAP.
Plan is to merge early on Monday.
@evhoffmann, when this is live, could we include it in any social happening in the hours before the event?
@luke I don't see why not, but I'll let the others make the call on that. I'm fine with a simple image like you've done for social if this is an issue.
@rebecca here is the cover image: gitlab-live-event
added 1 commit
- 118f625d - update date and references to "todays event"
added 1 commit
- 9d633fda - Update
@joe.s the Platzi embed is just showing a spinning circle.. any thoughts on using the Youtube embed for now?