[META] "Design.GitLab.com" UX/Marketing/Branding Guide/Documentation revamp/refactor/evolution
- Introduction of the marketing design system https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/marketing/issues/1290
- Our UX efforts in setting up a better design library solution (with front-end export) https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-design/issues/26
- Our increased efforts in documenting design paradigms.
- Our introduction of the 8px grid system.
- We as a team have agreed that the UX guide is too far hidden inside the handbook, plus restricted by it visually.
- Looking towards our competitors, they have gone for a similar solution into better informing internal and external sources on how to design for them.
- We want to be a front-runner in leading the efforts on designing and solving problems encountered developing an integrated solution such as GitLab.
- This will allow us to better communicate new changes to UX efforts to the rest of the team, plus see more clearly what areas still needs work/definition.
- Part of UX plan https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-design/issues/30
We want to have a combined place/website, without the limitations of the handbook, to help everyone design and create for GitLab. This should most probably include information regarding:
- Product design (UX)
- Marketing design
- Brand guidelines (perhaps part of marketing)
- Perhaps FE as well? (I think this can be added later and would fill the "component" sections inside every pattern)
We should strike a balance between being informative and keeping this manageable/maintained.
- Home
- Principles (What do we stand for/design with in mind? for example: Clarity, efficiency, consistency, beauty, considered, gives value, prioritises, opinionated, offers choice, gives control, etc)
- Product design
- Foundation
- Iconography
- Color Usage
- Illustrations
- Writing style
- Accessibility
- Localisation
- Layout/grid
- Messaging
- Animation & Motion
- Research
- Personas
- Patterns/Paradigms
- Subitem (To be filled in, for example empty states)
- Components
- Subitem (To be filled in, for example empty states)
- Resources
- Color palettes
- Stylesheet/UI Kit
- Product Design Repository
- Presentation kit
- Foundation
- Marketing design
- Foundation
- Iconography
- Color Usage
- Illustrations
- Imagery
- Writing style
- Accessibility
- Localisation
- Layout/grid
- Messaging
- Animation & Motion
- Patterns/Paradigms
- Subitem (To be filled in, for example pricing tables)
- Components
- Subitem (To be filled in, for example pricing tables)
- Resources
- Color Palettes
- Presentation Kit
- Logos
- Fonts
- Stylesheet/UI Kit
- Marketing Design Repository
- Foundation
- Workflow
- Tools
- Designing together remotely best practices
- Remote Design sprinting
- Design articles (GitLab blog)
- Latest Dribbble posts
- Join us/jobs
- privacy/license/trademark
- what's new (initially link to commit list)
Initial Visual Target (using fake/copied imagery)
Design system inspiration:
- Material Design
- Atlassian Design
- Shopify Polaris
- Ant design
- Salesforce Ligtning
- Inclusive Design Principles
- Inclusive Microsoft Design
Visual design inspiration:
Our implementation should be fast, modular and easily maintainable/extendable by anyone.
We need image classes similar to what medium offers for image options: similar width as text column, wider than text column, max-width, image row, left sided image, right sided image, image grid, annotations
Options to look into:
- Static website generator like middleman/jekyll etc
- Build it with custom web-components so we have clear formatting and easy separation of styles - Polymer & Webcomponents.org