WIP Banner/toast usage/paradigm
(What’s the problem that this pattern solves? Why is it worth solving?)
(What’s the solution? Why is it like that? What are the benefits?)
- 1 message sentence (left aligned)
- 1 primary action (Secondary outlined button) (right aligned)
- 1 dismiss action (cross icon) (right aligned)
- Max limited width toast. If a message gets longer, it will increase the width until a certain point.. if even more the height of the toast gets increased instead.
- Always displayed within the content section of the page (right from the left sidebar)
- Always displayed in the left bottom corner
- Similar dark background as dark tooltips (same padding)
- Normal default text size
- 8 second delay before automatically dismissing
- Animation showing up from bottom (this animated movement helps bring user attention to it!, also it's a toast
🍞 so it should pop upwards when ready!😄 )
(One or more images showing the UX pattern. They don’t have to be in GitLab.)
(When do you use this pattern? And how?)
Dos and dont's
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Related patterns
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Links / references
Pattern checklist
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