have a different colored favicon for local running gdk
Sometimes i am looking for which of my tabs are my local running gdk... i have to scour through them in order to find out...
the favicon should do that job for me, by showing a differently colored logo, like:
perhaps we could even include which version is running:
This should of course not affect any real gitlab distributions.
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- Contributor
@dimitrieh go for it.
- Author Developer
I think the last option is the most useful :)
- Developer
@dimitrieh Maybe https://github.com/accessd/rails-env-favicon can help (although I would prefer not adding a gem for this)?
- Dimitrie Hoekstra moved from gitlab-ce#27281
moved from gitlab-ce#27281
- Author Developer
this is a gdk copy of https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/27281 requested per @bkc at https://gitlab.slack.com/archives/questions/p148543545400473
- Developer
Just slapping in this block before
location / {
should suffice (untested)location = /favicon.ico { alias /home/git/favicon-gdk.ico; }
(I'd probably put the favicon in
, but that's just me ) - Author Developer
additional comments from @bkc
location ~* favicon.*\.ico$ { alias /home/bkc/sources/projects/GitLab/gitlab-development-kit/nginx/favicon-gdk.ico; }
(replace path with your GDK-path) and shove the icon into
ofcgoing to try this out :)
- Author Developer
@bkc could we do this in a way which doesn't require my own personal gdk path to be in there? as in can we create a MR on this, afterwards I will provide the correct favicon(s)
bonus: aside to that, can we deliver different favicons based on if you run EE or CE?
- Developer
@stanhu No nginx is not used by default, but it's easy enough to enable. Though we'd have to add installation of it to the documentation. And I agree that it would help finding issues if our dev-env is closer to production
gdk support-setup
, so applying the following would work:diff --git a/nginx/conf/nginx.conf.example b/nginx/conf/nginx.conf.example index c2c7c9e..8445558 100644 --- a/nginx/conf/nginx.conf.example +++ b/nginx/conf/nginx.conf.example @@ -39,6 +39,10 @@ http { ssl_certificate /home/git/localhost.crt; ssl_certificate_key /home/git/localhost.key; + location ~* favicon.*\.ico$ { + alias /home/git/nginx/favicon-gdk.ico; + } + location / { proxy_set_header Host $http_host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; diff --git a/Procfile.example b/Procfile.example index 44710b5..1602c1b 100644 --- a/Procfile.example +++ b/Procfile.example @@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ rails-background-jobs: exec /usr/bin/env SIDEKIQ_LOG_ARGUMENTS=1 RAILS_ENV=devel #influxdb: exec influxdb/bin/influxd -config influxdb/influxdb.conf #grafana: exec support/wait-postgresql-ready support/exec-cd grafana bin/grafana-server -config grafana.ini #sshd: exec /usr/sbin/sshd -e -D -f /home/git/openssh/sshd_config -#nginx: exec nginx -p /home/git/nginx -c conf/nginx.conf +nginx: exec nginx -p /home/git/nginx -c conf/nginx.conf
gdk support-setup
should reconfigure everything required (which gets called ongdk init
on first run for new people) - Maintainer
Great idea @dimitrieh. Let's make it happen.
- Jacob Schatz changed milestone to %Backlog
changed milestone to %Backlog
- Author Developer
@bkc that seems great :)
gdk support-setup
doesn't work at mine.. and the favicon should just be in the root folder of the gdk correct?would you be able to setup a quick MR with:
if it's then merged I will redownload the gdk from scratch
Edited by Dimitrie Hoekstra - Dimitrie Hoekstra added enhancement label
added enhancement label
- username-removed-487110 mentioned in merge request !246 (closed)
mentioned in merge request !246 (closed)
- username-removed-1254357 mentioned in merge request !283 (closed)
mentioned in merge request !283 (closed)