cd /home/gdk/gitlab-development-kit/gitlab && yarn install --pure-lockfileyarn install v0.23.2[1/4] Resolving packages...[2/4] Fetching packages...error webpack@2.3.3: The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected version ">=4.3.0 <5.0.0 || >=5.10".info Visit for documentation about this command.error Found incompatible modulemake: *** [.gitlab-yarn] Error 1Makefile:55: recipe for target '.gitlab-yarn' failed
I don't know which version of node we have installed in our GDK build image, but if it is < 4.3.0 it should be upgraded.
You could alternately get by specifying the --ignore-engines flag in yarn since we aren't really testing here whether we can compile webpack assets, rather we're just testing whether the GDK does its thing.
Thanks @stanhu@mikegreiling. In ubuntu xenial we have nodejs in version 4.2.6~dfsg-1ubuntu4. Does it mean that because of using yarn we no longer can use nodejs from packages? It might require changes in GDK's docs.
It's not because of yarn, it's because of webpack, so this dependency requirement has already been in place for a while. yarn merely enforces this dependency by default whenever it is run whereas npm did not.
Thanks for explanation @mikegreiling. Makes sense. I will fix Dockerfile and CI in GDK, and create an issue about improving our docs, since documentation needs to be updated in that case.