Document setting up GitLab Runner against a GDK-supervised GitLab
Closes #144 (closed)
Merge request reports
- Resolved by Nick Thomas
This is very nice @nick.thomas . Do you think it would make sense to factor out the 'set up GDK' bits and view it more as 'turn working GDK installation into a CI test rig'?
- bind to
- find the right IP and verify it (great that you go into this, this is not obvious unless you have done it before)
- proceed with steps to get runner hooked up
- Resolved by Nick Thomas
@axil since you marked this WIP I am going to assign it to you too.
Thanks for the changes @nick.thomas
Reassigned to @axil
since you marked this WIP I am going to assign it to you too.
@jacobvosmaer-gitlab Hahaha, well played
😄 I'll take a look thanks.- Resolved by Nick Thomas
@axil one more look?
@nick.thomas where are we on this? What is the next step?
@jacobvosmaer-gitlab I made the requested changes; it's waiting for review from @axil, I think we both forgot about it.
From my perspective, this is ready to be merged.
- Resolved by Nick Thomas
- Resolved by Nick Thomas
- Resolved by Nick Thomas
- Resolved by Nick Thomas
- Resolved by Nick Thomas
- Resolved by Nick Thomas
- Resolved by Nick Thomas
@nick.thomas woot! It works! I registered successfully and could pick up a build! But, I then got
fatal: unable to access 'http://gitlab-ci-token:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@': Failed to connect to port 3000: Connection refused
what could cause this? I ran the build in a public project. Tried with specific and shared runners, with and without sudo.
Maybe we should put this in a troubleshooting section :)
Output from debug:
Using Docker executor with image alpine:latest ... build=1123 project=12 runner=3c935d78 Applying docker.Client transport fix: &{false 0xc420019a10 <nil> 0xc42001b0e0 unix:///var/run/docker.sock 0xc42017ff80 0xc420198ae0 [1 18] [] [] <nil>} host=unix:///var/run/docker.sock Creating build volume... build=1123 project=12 runner=3c935d78 Using container e7df62c210a17f28e6fdbfeb6ca3d31f2023ff6b2ed664098d7a9c29a372036f as cache /builds/root ... build=1123 project=12 runner=3c935d78 Creating services... build=1123 project=12 runner=3c935d78 Creating user-defined volumes... build=1123 project=12 runner=3c935d78 Using container 590ef55e4b7afa1f84eb6ab79d2a003d5a33ce292e3ece2d29331a5e4d19f153 as cache /cache ... build=1123 project=12 runner=3c935d78 Starting Docker command... build=1123 project=12 runner=3c935d78 Looking for prebuilt image gitlab-runner-prebuilt-x86_64:HEAD ... build=1123 project=12 runner=3c935d78 Looking for image sha256:bdeaf7d4249d5ba395eaf1c07f4b7451f2e64f4db30c730bae7ebdfc40068ec3 ... build=1123 project=12 runner=3c935d78 Removed container runner-3c935d78-project-12-concurrent-0-predefined with No such container: runner-3c935d78-project-12-concurrent-0-predefined build=1123 project=12 runner=3c935d78 Creating container runner-3c935d78-project-12-concurrent-0-predefined ... build=1123 project=12 runner=3c935d78 Looking for image alpine:latest ... build=1123 project=12 runner=3c935d78 Pulling docker image alpine:latest ... build=1123 project=12 runner=3c935d78 Using axil to connect to in order to resolve alpine:latest ... build=1123 project=12 runner=3c935d78 Removed container runner-3c935d78-project-12-concurrent-0-build with No such container: runner-3c935d78-project-12-concurrent-0-build build=1123 project=12 runner=3c935d78 Creating container runner-3c935d78-project-12-concurrent-0-build ... build=1123 project=12 runner=3c935d78 Feeding runners to channel builds=1 WARNING: No TLS connection state Submitting build to coordinator... ok build=1123 runner=3c935d78 Appending trace to coordinator... ok build=1123 build-log=0-169 build-status=running code=202 runner=3c935d78 sent-log=0-169 status=202 Accepted Waiting for signals... build=1123 project=12 runner=3c935d78 Executing on runner-3c935d78-project-12-concurrent-0-predefined the set -eo pipefail set +o noclobber : | eval $'echo "Running on $(hostname) via thedude..."\nexport CI=$\'true\'\nexport CI_BUILD_REF=$\'de149d8ed64c5babab7229892a1c0d72cc21ded0\'\nexport CI_BUILD_BEFORE_SHA=$\'de149d8ed64c5babab7229892a1c0d72cc21 ded0\'\nexport CI_BUILD_REF_NAME=$\'master\'\nexport CI_BUILD_ID=1123\nexport CI_BUILD_REPO=$\'http://gitlab-ci-token:y-PiUj6wfZozYMW7sn9g@\'\nexport CI_BUILD_TOKEN=$\'y-PiUj6wfZo zYMW7sn9g\'\nexport CI_PROJECT_ID=12\nexport CI_PROJECT_DIR=$\'/builds/root/test2\'\nexport CI_SERVER=$\'yes\'\nexport CI_SERVER_NAME=$\'GitLab CI\'\nexport CI_SERVER_VERSION=\'\'\nexport CI_SERVER_REVISION=\'\' \nexport GITLAB_CI=$\'true\'\nexport CI=$\'true\'\nexport GITLAB_CI=$\'true\'\nexport CI_BUILD_ID=1123\nexport CI_BUILD_TOKEN=$\'y-PiUj6wfZozYMW7sn9g\'\nexport CI_BUILD_REF=$\'de149d8ed64c5babab7229892a1c0d72cc2 1ded0\'\nexport CI_BUILD_BEFORE_SHA=$\'de149d8ed64c5babab7229892a1c0d72cc21ded0\'\nexport CI_BUILD_REF_NAME=$\'master\'\nexport CI_BUILD_NAME=$\'pages\'\nexport CI_BUILD_STAGE=$\'deploy\'\nexport CI_SERVER_NAME= $\'GitLab\'\nexport CI_SERVER_VERSION=$\'8.13.0-pre\'\nexport CI_SERVER_REVISION=$\'d078779\'\nexport CI_PROJECT_ID=12\nexport CI_PROJECT_NAME=$\'test2\'\nexport CI_PROJECT_PATH=$\'root/test2\'\nexport CI_PROJEC T_NAMESPACE=$\'root\'\nexport CI_PROJECT_URL=$\'\'\nexport CI_PIPELINE_ID=66\nexport CI_RUNNER_ID=1\nexport CI_RUNNER_DESCRIPTION=$\'gdk\'\nexport CI_RUNNER_TAGS=$\'docker\'\ne xport CI_REGISTRY=$\'\'\nexport CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE=$\'\'\nexport GITLAB_USER_ID=1\nexport GITLAB_USER_EMAIL=$\'\'\nif [[ -d "/builds/root/test2/.git" ]]; then\n echo $\'\\x1b[32;1mFetching changes...\\x1b[0;m\'\n $\'cd\' "/builds/root/test2"\n $\'git\' "config" "fetch.recurseSubmodules" "false"\n $\'rm\' "-f" ".git/index.lock"\n $\'git\' "clean" "-ffdx"\n $\'git\' "reset" "--hard"\n $\'git\' "remote" "set-url" "origin" "http://gitlab-ci-token:y-PiUj6wfZozYMW7sn9g@"\n $\'git\' "fetch" "origin" "--prune" "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* " "+refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*"\nelse\n $\'mkdir\' "-p" "/builds/root/test2.tmp/git-template"\n $\'rm\' "-r" "-f" "/builds/root/test2"\n $\'git\' "config" "-f" "/builds/root/test2.tmp/git-template/config" "fetch .recurseSubmodules" "false"\n echo $\'\\x1b[32;1mCloning repository...\\x1b[0;m\'\n $\'git\' "clone" "http://gitlab-ci-token:y-PiUj6wfZozYMW7sn9g@" "/builds/root/test2" "--templ ate" "/builds/root/test2.tmp/git-template"\n $\'cd\' "/builds/root/test2"\nfi\necho $\'\\x1b[32;1mChecking out de149d8e as master...\\x1b[0;m\'\n$\'git\' "checkout" "-q" "de149d8ed64c5babab7229892a1c0d72cc21ded 0"\n' build=1123 project=12 runner=3c935d78 Starting container 38e067fc9d03914d5fc2f00f69536861ace1070bd4e7430de87961b0a340da25 ... build=1123 project=12 runner=3c935d78 Attaching to container 38e067fc9d03914d5fc2f00f69536861ace1070bd4e7430de87961b0a340da25 ... build=1123 project=12 runner=3c935d78 Waiting for container 38e067fc9d03914d5fc2f00f69536861ace1070bd4e7430de87961b0a340da25 ... build=1123 project=12 runner=3c935d78 Container 38e067fc9d03914d5fc2f00f69536861ace1070bd4e7430de87961b0a340da25 finished with exit code 1 build=1123 project=12 runner=3c935d78 WARNING: Build failed: exit code 1 build=1123 project=12 runner=3c935d78 WARNING: No TLS connection state Submitting build to coordinator... ok build=1123 runner=3c935d78 Removed container bfa5334fb38870202756ef0e917c3926f810fc5a700c052ac0b196beaa64d77d with <nil> build=1123 project=12 runner=3c935d78 Removed container 38e067fc9d03914d5fc2f00f69536861ace1070bd4e7430de87961b0a340da25 with <nil> build=1123 project=12 runner=3c935d78 Closed all idle connections for docker.Client: &{false 0xc420019b00 <nil> 0x288e020 unix:///var/run/docker.sock 0xc42017ff80 0xc420198ae0 [1 18] [1 24] [1 18] 0xc420019b30} WARNING: No TLS connection state
Edited by Achilleas PipinellisAdded 77 commits:
- 45903fa3...7daff8af - 76 commits from branch
- 7160dd74 - Document setting up GitLab Runner against a GDK-supervised GitLab
- 45903fa3...7daff8af - 76 commits from branch
Added 1 commit:
- 57f9911f - Document setting up GitLab Runner against a GDK-supervised GitLab
@axil thanks for the review! I think I've addressed all comments.
The issue you're seeing is that the "bind to all IPs on your machine" step hasn't worked properly. I'm unsure how you ended up in that situation - was gdk already running and hasn't been restarted? Is the
file not present?I've added notes inline for both situations; if you'd rather have it in troubleshooting, let me know and I'll change it.
- Resolved by Achilleas Pipinellis
The issue you're seeing is that the "bind to all IPs on your machine" step hasn't worked properly. I'm unsure how you ended up in that situation - was gdk already running and hasn't been restarted? Is the host file not present?
@nick.thomas yeah,
is there and I see theStarting GitLab in /home/axil/git/gitlab/gdk/ce on port
message when I start it. Still no luck. I'll investigate more later. I left one more comment to address and then we can merge :) another possibility is that
is the wrong IP - feel free to ping me on slack withifconfig
output if you continue to have no joy!Mentioned in commit c3dd36fa
Thanks for being patient with my nitpicking @nick.thomas :)