Parsing application.js takes 280ms
This is because we load all javascript on every page load.
From Slack convo:
Josh Frye JS can/should be extracted to specific controller js files and loaded only for that controller. Application js should be shared stuff
Jacob Schatz Right now everything is loaded into Application JS and loaded in it’s entirety on each page. I agree that we should be loading what we need on each page.
Yorick Peterse @jacobvosmaer: inlining JS won't help
Jacob Schatz Inlining isn’t the answer
Jacob Vosmaer sounds like a good idea to me (but I don't know much about this stuff)
Yorick Peterse also application.js should be cached
make sure your console doesn't disable caching (which it does by default when opened)
Jacob Vosmaer inlining humongous application.js won't help, no
@yorickpeterse: I am looking at the parsing
how does browser caching prevent the browser parsing the js?
Yorick Peterse Chrome might cache the resulting bytecode, not sure what they do these days
(and then just not touch the raw JS until it changes)
Jacob Vosmaer _loading_ application.js gets cached just fine
cc @dzaporozhets @sytses @yorickpeterse @jacobvosmaer @jschatz1 @joshfng