After upgrading to Gitlab 6.7 I am getting an "Access denied for your LDAP account.". I do know if it is connecting because if I try the wrong password I get an invalid credentials response. The unicorn log only shows: "I, [2014-03-21T10:27:37.303549 #7237] INFO -- omniauth: (ldap) Callback phase initiated."
This shows in the production log:
Started POST "/users/auth/ldap/callback" for at 2014-03-21 10:30:46 -0700Processing by OmniauthCallbacksController#ldap as HTML Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"A_KEY_HERE_REDACTED", "username"=>"daniel_brooks", "password"=>"[FILTERED]"}Redirected to http://REDACTED/Completed 302 Found in 268ms (ActiveRecord: 258.1ms)Started GET "/" for at 2014-03-21 10:30:47 -0700Processing by DashboardController#show as HTMLRedirected to http://REDACTED/users/sign_inFilter chain halted as :ldap_security_check rendered or redirectedCompleted 302 Found in 163ms (ActiveRecord: 50.5ms)Started GET "/users/sign_in" for at 2014-03-21 10:30:47 -0700Processing by Devise::SessionsController#new as HTML Rendered devise/sessions/_new_ldap.html.haml (0.9ms) Rendered devise/sessions/_new_base.html.haml (1.5ms) Rendered devise/sessions/_oauth_providers.html.haml (0.1ms) Rendered devise/sessions/new.html.haml within layouts/devise (3.4ms) Rendered layouts/_head.html.haml (1.3ms) Rendered layouts/_flash.html.haml (0.1ms)Completed 200 OK in 10ms (Views: 5.7ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)
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I just tested on a fresh install... No issues. I am going to clone my Production 6.6 environment and test the upgrade and see how it pans out.
Could you post your LDAP section of gitlab.yml? (Sanitized, of course)
Update: Upgraded the production clone successfully. I would make sure you restart nginx and gitlab after you run the upgrade script. I saw a few issues before doing that, but LDAP seems to work fine through a regular browser and also from my phone.
What is that, OpenLDAP or 389? All looks well, did you try maybe swapping out for localhost instead? Double check and make sure your bind_user password hasn't expired either.
Its OpenLDAP. the password hasn't expired, and no i did not try swapping out the host. I figured that wasn't the problem because gitlab connected to it and could tell an invalid password or not because the error message displayed changed.
I'll have to double check later as I downgraded because I needed critical access during the day. My guess as well is that it has to do with the user filter addition.
We have troubles with ldap too since 6.7. The reason here is the new (but bad) username determination in lib/gitlab/ldap/user.rb:89. We don't have any nicknames set in our ldap (and no samaccountname), so the authentication failes since the update.
Not sure if that's the same problem as Daniel has, but maybe it helps. However if that's not the same, please tell me so I'll open a new issue for "my" problem.
Yes, I agree. Looks to be locked to either nickname or samaccountname. I would bet that this is the same issue that Daniel is experiencing. We're running samaccountname here no issues.
Confirmed: Commenting out the 'username' override in lib/gitlab/ldap/user.rb:88 (and therefore falling back to the version in lib/gitlab/oauth/user.rb:60) fixes LDAP authentication for our setup too. For reference, we use email addresses as the 'uid' field (e.g. uid=firstname.lastname@domain.tld,ou=People,o=domain.tld), with no samAccountName or nickname fields in the LDAP tree.
Daniel, if you want to give this a shot, I made a branch for you to try. I just tested it and it seems OK here, but mine worked the whole time. See if it resolves your issue.
Hi Daniel, I had the same issue recently upgrading to 6.7. I noticed you have the option "base" in your list above. I removed that line because in 6.7 it is used later in the file. Right before the "Filter LDAP users" section, there is a parameter to enter the base in there to search. Your specific issue may be different, but I would double check that. My LDAP authentication started working after I made that change and restarted services.
Is there any update on this? If it helps I am using this as my LDAP server It looks like sAMAccountName is a microsoft active directory/samba attribute only.
I'm at a loss.. I added the sAMAccountName attribute and it still gives me the same error. I setup a virtual machine from bitnami with all the defaults except my ldap config
## LDAP settings # You can inspect a sample of the LDAP users with login access by running: # bundle exec rake gitlab:ldap:check RAILS_ENV=production ldap: enabled: true host: port: 10389 uid: 'uid' method: 'plain' # "tls" or "ssl" or "plain" bind_dn: 'uid=bind_user,ou=users,dc=crowd' password: 'password' # If allow_username_or_email_login is enabled, GitLab will ignore everything # after the first '@' in the LDAP username submitted by the user on login. # # Example: # - the user enters '' and 'p@ssw0rd' as LDAP credentials; # - GitLab queries the LDAP server with 'jane.doe' and 'p@ssw0rd'. # # If you are using "uid: 'userPrincipalName'" on ActiveDirectory you need to # disable this setting, because the userPrincipalName contains an '@'. allow_username_or_email_login: false # Base where we can search for users # # Ex. ou=People,dc=gitlab,dc=example # base: 'ou=users,dc=crowd' # Filter LDAP users # # Format: RFC 4515 # Ex. (employeeType=developer) # user_filter: ''
Am I missing something at all or am I still the only one getting this?
Ok even weird is that the ldap check command lists all the users and when I login as a standard user after trying a new ldap user, I can see that the ldap user got populated and is in the database. No access is blocked for them either. Anyone have any clue?
And here's the log file showing it creating the user
# Logfile created on 2014-04-22 03:03:05 +0000 by logger.rb/31641April 22, 2014 03:03: User "Daniel Brooks" ( was createdApril 22, 2014 03:03: (OAuth) Creating user from login with extern_uid => dn=daniel_brooks,ou=users,dc=crowd
Can you share your solution? Since it seems that commenting out is not enough. Command line push, clone do not work anymore when LDAP is enabled. It seems to me, that LDAP is not working in GitLab.
I have the exact same problem. I traced the problem to lib/gitlab/ldap/person.rb where the active_directory_disabled? function uses an Active Directory-specific filter to omit "disabled" users. Returning false from this function bypasses the problem for now. IMO, such provider-specific code should never have been added to the core; this is exactly what the filter parameter should be used for
I also have the exact same problem. I use the omnibus package of Gitlab CE 7.3.2 f092e53e.
What I'm expecting : configure gitlab.rb correctly to allow users to connect via LDAP.
What I get : When a user try to log in, he gets a "Denied Access" message.
The following extracts are all sanitized.
I configured the /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb file as follow :
# Change the external_url to the address your users will type in their browserexternal_url'http://my.external.url/'#This URL is a DNS redirect to my public IP.#These settings are documented in more detail at#['ldap_enabled']=truegitlab_rails['ldap_host']='[the.ldap.server]'gitlab_rails['ldap_port']=636gitlab_rails['ldap_uid']='uid'gitlab_rails['ldap_method']='ssl'# 'ssl' or 'plain'gitlab_rails['ldap_bind_dn']='[my bind dn]'gitlab_rails['ldap_password']='[bind dn password]'gitlab_rails['ldap_allow_username_or_email_login']=falsegitlab_rails['ldap_base']='[the branch to look up]'
I don't use a user filter field because I want all user in the base to be able to log in. My bind dn has all necessary rights.
Then I run
gitlab-ctl reconfigure
This is the ldap section of my /var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/etc/gitlab.yml file without GitLab's comments after reconfiguring :
ldap:enabled:truehost:'[server]'port:636uid:'uid'method:'ssl'# "tls" or "ssl" or "plain"bind_dn:'[mybinddn]'password:'[binddnpassword]'sync_time:allow_username_or_email_login:falsebase:'[basetosearchin]'user_filter:group_base:admin_group:sync_ssh_keys:
Hereafter my production.log (from GitLab's admin interface) after the unsuccessful LDAP log in attempt :
StartedGET"/users/sign_in"forXXX.XXX.XXX.XXXat2014-10-1816:46:57+0200ProcessingbySessionsController#new as HTMLCompleted200OKin12ms(Views:3.8ms|ActiveRecord:0.0ms)StartedPOST"/users/auth/ldap/callback"forXXX.XXX.XXX.XXXat2014-10-1816:46:58+0200ProcessingbyOmniauthCallbacksController#ldap as HTMLParameters:{"utf8"=>"✓","authenticity_token"=>"theAuthenticityToken=","username"=>"[myUsername]","password"=>"[FILTERED]"}Redirectedtohttp://my.external.url/users/sign_inCompleted302Foundin45ms(ActiveRecord:0.9ms)
And the content of my /var/log/gitlab/unicorn/unicorn_stdout.log :
I,[2014-10-18T16:46:58.742636#9641] INFO -- omniauth: (ldap) Callback phase initiated.
When I try to log in GitLab's web interface with the bind dn user I use in gitlab.rb file, I'm able to do so. All other users get the "Acess Denied" message, even if they are listed with the check command. I do not understand why GitLab deny access althought they are found in the LDAP directory (if not, I would have an "Invalid Credentials" message).
I do not connect an Active Directory, so (uid='uid') in gitlab.rb.
I use a DNS redirect to a public static IP serving my GitLab install to have a friendly FQDN.
This is my "uname -a" on a ubuntu server 14.04 fresh install : Linux ubuntu 3.13.0-37-generic #64 (closed)-Ubuntu SMP Mon Sep 22 21:28:38 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Does somebody have a clue on this issue ? I would be obliged...
EDIT: after a dive in the code I found a very ugly but working solution. Edit the 'allowed?' function in /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/lib/gitlab/ldap/person.rb:
defallowed?(user)ifGitlab::LDAP::Person.find_by_dn(user.extern_uid,adapter)!Gitlab::LDAP::Person.disabled_via_active_directory?(user.extern_uid,adapter)elsetrue#Originally set to falseendrescuefalseend
I'm not so into ruby but if I understand correctly the ruby files in this ldap folder, the connection is authorized only if the user trying to log in is the DN of the user used in the config file /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb. If not, gitlab just creates a new user.
Unfortunately, I have the same problem with a clean install of 7.4.2 and none of the fixes mentioned here works for me. I have LDAP working fine with ownCloud, DokuWiki and Redmine. But it has been two days that I'm scratching my head and it won't work with GitLab giving me the error "Access denied for your LDAP account.".
The (very) quick fix in my EDIT works if the only criteria for accessing your GitLab is that user must be in the LDAP. The function I short-circuited occurs after the "is-in-the-LDAP" check and concerns further verifications that I personally don't use. If your user schema has no "email" attribute and LDAP is read only, GitLab creates a temporary e-mail that logged users have to change before doing anything else in the profile settings, like add an SSH key... You have to log in as an admin and modify the default given emails to whatever else so they can add SSH keys. This issue is quite annoying, and I'm sure the fix isn't hard to implements but I'm not comfortable with ruby. Maybe I'll learn enough to fix it myself in a few weeks...
Unfortunately, your fix won't work for me on 7.4.2. If I leave user_filter untouched as an empty string it works with my LDAP accounts and logins just fine.
If I set a filter it gives me The Access Denied error. I need this since I do not want any user on my LDAP server to be able to login to GitLab. What I'm wondering about is how this issue remained unfixed after a long time.
Do you use an active directory service ? If not you can also short-circuit the active_directory_disabled? function (like Oliver's said) and see if it helps.
Four months later and still exactly the same issue on a freshly installed GitLab 7.7.2 (revision bd982900) and Active Directory. No filter in use. sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake gitlab:check RAILS_ENV=production reveals no errors in "Checking LDAP" and shows the first 100 accounts; inside GitLab the accounts are created on first "LDAP Login" (which can be checked afterward with a standard login as root); LDAP uid's are shown in "Admin area - Users", but trying to login with such an account shows "Access denied for your LDAP account.".
Any clues after all this time?
Check your database, in indentities, you may have two authentication services 'ldap' and 'ldapmain'. When you tried once to connect, then remove the line with 'ldap' and it should work.
I've had this problem after upgrading from a 5.x through to 7.14. I work for a large educational institution, and need to use a central LDAP system I have no admin access to in order to authenticate users. The settings I have in my config/gitlab.yml match the original working install with new settings added, and queries performed through ldapsearch with the host, port, base, etc work as expected:
Having gone through all the responses, the closest solution I could find was the one proposed by @Qoya earlier. A clue was that gitlab was correctly authenticating users - incorrect credentials were being rejected, correct credentials resulted in users being created - but they were immediately returned to the sign in page with "Access denied for your LDAP account".
After digging, if I make allowed?() in lib/gitlab/ldap/access.rb always return true, everything works as it used to: user credential authentication is performed correctly, valid users are let in, etc. The problem seems to be that Gitlab::LDAP::Person.find_by_dn() is returning false for me, even when user.ldap_identity.extern_uid contains a value that I can successfully search for using ldapsearch. I haven't managed to pull the entire process apart yet (ruby is not my best language by a long way), but I'm guessing the problem I've been experiencing, and possibly others, is somewhere inside the implementation of Gitlab::LDAP::Adapter.users(), and its invocation of ldap_search when field is dn
I'm closing this issue for now because it's very old and several possible solutions have been provided.
If this is still an issue with the current version of gitlab, please reopen it :)