Admin can't add user to group in 'Admin area'
I successfully upgraded from 6.8 to 7.10 but I can't add new users to a group. The only available users to be added are the ones that are already in the group.
Do not update/delete: Banner broadcast message test data
Do not update/delete: Notification broadcast message test data
I successfully upgraded from 6.8 to 7.10 but I can't add new users to a group. The only available users to be added are the ones that are already in the group.
mentioned in issue #1438 (closed)
i experienced the same issue from 7.9.4. to 7.10!
Does anyone know of a workaround for this?
See workaround in the URL below, the person who first reported has also added a PR, if anyone is interested
the workaround for me was to add the add the members from Groups->Settings->Members->Add Members (the filter in there is working fine)
Status changed to closed
mentioned in issue #1498 (closed)
mentioned in issue #1578 (closed)
As I can see the root cause is rectified and it is a real bug. When can we expect a upgrade ...?
I've upgraded to GitLab 7.11.0.rc2 and the issue is fixed
mentioned in merge request !14785