It would be nice to see support for seeing the result of the TeamCity build on the GitLab's Merge Request page. (For reference, plugin for TC & GitHub integration:
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I developed something like it, but using new concepts like: BuildId (from Teamcity Server) after a POST REQUEST on BuildQueue (using Teamcity Rest API).
I had to persist this ID on database (used properties field) and than loaded info on commit_status method, based on commit hash.
This way, every commit on source branch from a MR is re-builded and generated a new BuildId and I can see all the fail/success history for every commit hash.
What is necessary to push this to any gitlab-ce branch? Also I set my Teamcity config to use PROPERTIES and Gitlab fills them. So I hardcoded them (tests purpose) but I thought put them into MR properties page.
PS.: I develop this feature within teamcity_service.rb on branch 8-0-stable
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