I could tag a certain commit on web interface before I started a new branch on my repo but after I created a new branch I got a error message as Invalid reference name on New tag form when creating a new tag. However I could create the tag on command line successfully with the same commit SHA, name and message. I think there is a problem on specifying branch for tags or I am missing something.
web form on gitlab.com:
my command:
git tag -a v0.0.3 f3857ef9 -m"my message"git push --tags origin master
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I am also getting same error after upgrading GitLab CE version to 7.12 previously i was using web interface to create tag from master branch or hash commit but now i ended up with same error message.
I can create tag without entering message which is optional field but as soon as i enter tag message same error.
I am also getting the same error after upgrading from Gitlab 7.7.2 to Gitlab-CE 7.12.
Tagging from any tag or commit with a message does not work in the Gitlab web interface.
@haynes I can reproduce the issue with CE, and since tags are added directly to the git repo, the DB of choice shouldn't matter. You say you are not seeing the error when creating a tag for a commit sha with a message?
@haynes Never mind, I can't reproduce it locally, I hadn't updated gitlab-shell and something went wrong there. I can reproduce this at gitlab.com. I'll ask a colleague to check the logs.
It is a gitlab bug brought out by the omnibus packages. :)
irb(main):004:0> Gitlab::Popen::popen(["/opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-shell/bin/gitlab-projects", "create-tag", "foo/bar.git", "test", "e887e87834f7cac536bf2cbc6fe288cd6fe70b70", "Test"])=> ["\n*** Please tell me who you are.\n\nRun\n\n git config --global user.email \"you@example.com\"\n git config --global user.name \"Your Name\"\n\nto set your account's default identity.\nOmit --global to set the identity only in this repository.\n\nfatal: empty ident name (for <git@localhost>) not allowed\n", 1]
@jacobvosmaer@DouweM Can we use the name and primary mail of the user who creates a tag?
That makes more sense than using the default gitlab username anyway.
Maybe we could create a .gitconfig file for each user and then symlink to it temporary? Thought that would probably be difficult when multiple users try to create tags at the same time.
@haynes I agree that would be nicer but the first thing we should do, I suspect, is restore the previous omnibus behaviour so we can get tags working again. What do you think @marin?
@haynes You're right, but that would require some work in either gitlab or gitlab-shell or both. So as a first measure, we'll restore the default author on gitlab.com.
Behavior exist here on gitlab ce 7.12.2 , i can reproduce. Cannot add tag with webui can add tags with command line. (gitlab community edition build from source upto date with latest 7.12.2) @jacobvosmaer@kbenyous
Hi, @DouweM
just ran the check everything comes back ok (usually do that once a few days).
I did do another test ! I can add a tag if I do not fill in any message !
So if i leave message blank it does work.
@jim If you click "master" below "1 parent 1f2be057" on that page, you'll see all of the branches and tags this commit was included in. The first tagged release was 7.12.1.
@jimCresswell@DouweM no this is still not resolved in gitlabce from source. Even spinned up a 7.14rc cannot create tag gives invalid reference. (did all rake tests verifying gitlab).
I cannot enter a message in tag.
That pull mentioned is for the cookbook can you tell me to which files that translates so i can verify that , most likely source did not get corrected.
@RavenB1 The fix was for the omnibus releases.
The error normally shouldn't occur for installations from source.
Can you please take a look at your logs and post the relevant log entries here?
@haynes the error does not appear in the logfile. Seems only the one that worked appears (Without message) , the error is exactly as the image above when you fill in message it errors (invalid reference).
Which config files are changed by the omnibus correction ? (i could verify those?)
by the way this error always occurred on my installations (from source)
in logfile :
Processing by Projects::TagsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "tag_name"=>"v0.0.3a", "ref"=>"master", "message"=>"", "namespace_id"=>"rd", "project_id"=>"one"}Redirected to http://xxx.xxx.net/xx/xxx/tagsCompleted 302 Found in 678ms (ActiveRecord: 48.1ms)
I have this issue on GitLab Community Edition 8.6.4 e47b5814.
Create a tag with a message doesn't work and give "Invalid reference name" error message.
Without a message it works fine.