Wrong Urlencoding when Switching Branch in Commit View
I have a branch called "ZubehörkartonEtiketten" in my project.
When in Commits-View on master ( /commits/master ) an selecting the branch "ZubehörkartonEtiketten" Gitlab fails with error 500, because the url uses the wrong encoding (utf16 I guess?!):
The correct encoding (utf8) would be:
If I change the url manually to the correct encoding, I'm redirected to the correct page. (commit view on branch "ZubehörkartonEtiketten")
Steps To Reproduce
- Create a new project
- Create a new branch called "ZubehörkartonEtiketten"
- Navigate to the "Commits" view for the new project
- Select "ZubehörkartonEtiketten" branch from the drop down branch selector
Expected Results
Redirected to commits view for selected branch
Actual Results
500 error results
Additional Detail
GitLab.com Project exhibiting this behaviour: https://gitlab.com/markglenfletcher/test-branch-names-with-spec-chars/commits/master#
The following line escapes the special characters: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/blob/0f4ff69fb4a88b0d98105c60c653abb3c587cb65/app/assets/javascripts/project.js#L82
Reproducing locally and catching the 500 error:
>> id
=> "Zubeh\xF6rkartonEtiketten"
>> id.match(/^([[:alnum:]]{40})(.+)/)
!! #<ArgumentError: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8>
Raised at the following line: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/blob/0f4ff69fb4a88b0d98105c60c653abb3c587cb65/lib/extracts_path.rb