The idea is to integrate GitLab CI with GitLab CE.
The advantages are:
Automatic enabling of CI for new projects that contain .gitlab-ci.yml (zero-config)
Showing the build status for commits and branches index pages (with a commit status API to allow other services to do the same)
Reduce duplicate project information
Reduce duplicate code for storing secrets
We prevent duplicating a lot of configuration between apps
We can stop cross-linking CI and CE via OAuth, removing a barrier
Reduce the number of normal backups and backing up secrets
Interface updates will be simultaneous, no effort to improve CI UI separately
This will make GitLab CI more popular
Easier to deeply integrate the results in the merge request (show code coverage in diff)
We can throw away 50% of CI code if merged
Less memory usage if you want to run both CE and CI (for example on a Raspberry Pi) since it is only a few thousand lines of code, almost of of the gems are shared
We can add enterprise features to CI without creating another repo like CI-EE
It will fix a lot of SSL/Nginx issues when connecting CI with CE
We could effectively reuse code for implemented Services
It will nicely integrate with GitLab CE UI: commit statuses, charts, builds view
Disadvantages are:
More memory used by CE (will only be a little)
If you runners overload CI your CI system now both go down
Database will be larger, although build logs are stored in text files now
The CE interface will get more cluttered with CI settings and status
It takes longer to boot development
It takes longer to run tests
It takes longer to understand and explore the project
So far the simplest way I can see it is just take whole Coordinator app and mount it under /ci in CE. Coordinator database tables can be prefixed with ci_ and added to CE.
Step 2 (9.0)
Remove duplicating data. Remove CI projects table. Integrate CI in GitLab as issues and milestones
We can also consider to develop lightweight CI version on CE side because we don't need most of the pages. Most of the load in CI comes up in the API and API web server can be written in Golang (success story - So user can choose which server he wants to use).
@sytses I need around 3 days to merge the codebase, but I'm not available next week (vacations). I don't expect to have enough time to do that in London before 7.14 release. So I'll have enough time do it for 8.0 release.
@jwrede Build logs not being stored in the DB should help make large telco prospect considering many CI Runners happy, can you tell them that build logs are stored outside the database, thereby preventing a single point of write contention? Please comment in the internal issue.
Running GitLab CI in developments and tests will be much slower.
Using GitLab with Jenkins (which 90% of our customers are doing) will get harder, the UI won't be as good and we'll never get a proper commit status api
I also wonder how the UI will look. Commit status can be added as part of the normal commits page, charts to the charts page, webhooks, triggers, runners and variables to the settings page. Settings to the settings page under 'build'. Events should go into the audit log.
Using GitLab with Jenkins (which 90% of our customers are doing) will get harder, the UI won't be as good and we'll never get a proper commit status api
@sytses definitely agree this is a concern. There will still need to be some sort of CI API for Jenkins and other CI to use. I don't think people will be happy if the Jenkin plugin stops working.
Will CI integration be "always on" or will there be the option for an administrator to disable it for the whole instance? If an install is already using another CI tool then they might not want to confuse users by adding another option within GitLab.
@stevenorman It will be always on in the sense that if you add .gitlab-ci.yml it will work for the project. If you do not add runners it will obviously not execute the tests. But people can add their own runners for the own projects. This type of organic adoption has been a strong point of GitLab and we hope to see it continue. We're open to considering disabling options at some point, after hearing people running into problems. I think the confusion will be limited but maybe there are security considerations. But I'm worried about a blanket 'we use Jenkins here, ask the CI team if you want tests' ban on using GitLab CI. I have the feeling that in many organizations smaller repo's are not tested because it is too hard to set up Jenkins and many times people are not able to do so themselves.
@sytses Perhaps it is more an EE option to disable as they are the ones more likely to have a specific CI infrastructure. My main concern is the way that runners poll for new jobs in CI, I think every minute?, rather than being triggered when there is actually a build to happen. Scale that up with a large number of runners that you don't have any control of and your GitLab instance could easily be seeing a lot more load when the bulk of them aren't actually doing anything. What effect will that have for unicorn runners as I think the default of 5(?) runners might easily be swamped based on load testing that has been done on my installation.
This is a bit like configuring Jenkins to poll gitlab every minute for changes rather than using a project webhook (which is arguably the better way to do it but use, but no matter how much information we give users they just don't use it until they are pushed that way). It is easy for people to setup polling and for it to quickly snowball as you add more projects that poll.
@stevenorman We have many polling runners at but few problems, it runs on a single server. But I think it makes sense to add this as an EE option when people run into problems.
I often see on, people want to be able to write plugins. This was the first thing which came into my mind when reading this story about integrating GitLab CI. Why not shipping it as a plugin for GitLab?
Just some thoughts:
You reach your goal by reducing code
You can still run fast tests (without plugin)
You can still ship a lightweight solution without plugins
Enterprise can still use their trusted jenkins and don't have to use the plugin
You get a full featured plugin api
You target new markets by opening this to the public
Besides GitLab CI there are many other tools people like to use. Can we allow other applications to post in the GitLab commit status database table via an API? This would allow people to get input about their code from multiple sources. There will always be tests we don't run ourselves (Coverity static analysis, AIX platform, etc.).
@ayufan "So I'll have enough time do it for 8.0 release." You'll be in London until halfway September, that is the same date as the 8.0 code freeze isn't it?
@ayufan I don't think you'll have time for it, you'll be pair programming full time in London. But let's see how the first week in London goes and evaluate then.
Having a commit status API would be great I think. This way lots of different existing CI tools could be used w/o problems (even if you integrate GitLab CI into CE).
I think we should introduce a commit status api with this change. There is no way 100% of the people can use GitLab exclusively for CI and CD, there will always be other tools and we need to integrate well with them. Assuming a commit status api the advantages and disadvantages become the following:
The advantages are:
Automatic enabling of CI for new projects that contain .gitlab-ci.yml (zero-config)
Reduce duplicate project information
Reduce duplicate code for storing secrets
We prevent duplicating a lot of configuration between apps
We can stop cross-linking CI and CE via OAuth, removing a barrier
Reduce the number of normal backups and backing up secrets
Interface updates will be simultaneous, no effort to improve CI UI separately
This will make GitLab CI more popular
Easier to deeply integrate the results in the merge request (show code coverage in diff)
We can throw away 50% of CI code if merged
Less memory usage if you want to run both CE and CI (for example on a Raspberry Pi) since it is only a few thousand lines of code, almost of of the gems are shared
We can add enterprise features to CI without creating another repo like CI-EE
It will fix a lot of SSL/Nginx issues when connecting CI with CE
We could effectively reuse code for implemented Services
Disadvantages are:
More memory used by CE (will only be a little)
If you runners overload your CI system now both go down
Database will be larger, although build logs are stored in text files now
The CE interface will get more cluttered with CI settings and status
It takes longer to boot development
It takes longer to run tests
It takes longer to understand and explore the project
The only real disadvantage that concerns me at all is performance/overhead based on runner traffic. Perhaps you could configure all api calls CI and CE/EE, to be handled by a separate host, but funneled through the main NGINX, which would be setup in a load-balancer configuration.
If we could make this happen, we could probably even add the ability to auto-scale both UI and the api hosts, or simply allow for multiple api hosts to be added to the gitlab.rb. The api hosts wouldn't need gitlab installed, just NGINX.
So from what I understand, and correct me if I'm wrong, ci will move from being a "subdomain" style URL to a different endpoint? For example: and would become and
Once the projects are merged, I don't know how hard it would be to serve ci as instead of the /ci endpoint, but I prefer that method because I think it is clearer.
Perhaps you could provide a configuration option provide a way to reverse-proxy to
@LongLiveCHIEF If you're autobalancing there is no need to separate UI and api hosts, they can both handle each request. Having one pool is more efficient.
@techwiz24 You understand the endpoint change correctly. I'm not sure about the configuration option, the nginx config is already a bit messy and stuff like this is confusing to users.
It really depends on how the CI UI is going to change going forward. Ideally if I visit I still want it to show the build status for each of my projects.
On the side bar? Maybe but that might get cluttered. I think some mock ups and a blog post with discussion would be beneficial for what sounds like significant UI changes to CI.
@DouweM Will work on this coming week. He will make a draft here of the general idea (including the commit status API and maybe some screenshots) and then start the work without waiting for feedback, hopefully most of the feedback can be incorporated during the work. /cc @dzaporozhets
Quick update: The first step is, as @dzaporozhets already determined, to merge the CI and CE code bases into one big code base. Only after that can we start looking at removing duplication and integration of CI features into the CE UI. At that point the commit status will also become relevant, so that CE remains relatively agnostic of the specific CI tool being used.
The initial idea was to simply mount the GitlabCi app under Gitlab, using either use in or mount in config/routes.rb, but that ended up not being feasible, since a lot of naming conflicts exist between both apps, for example the Project model or the ApplicationController, and both apps use some global state, like Settings, Rails.application, Rails.root and things like Sidekiq configuration.
What I've opted to do as a first step, is to move all CI files into CE, placed under ci directories in the standard Rails directory structure, so we have things like app/assets/images/ci, app/controllers/ci, app/models/ci, app/views/ci, lib/ci etc. I'm currently working on going through all of these files one by one, adding module Ci around classes, changing class references like Project to Ci::Project, changing routes from projects_path to ci_projects_path and changing file references from Rails.root.join('etc') to Rails.root.join('ci/etc').
The first goal is to get CI working within the CE code base, albeit as a separate app for all practical purposes.
@DouweM just mentioned that everything he clicks seems to work. @rspeicher will work on upgrading the tests from rspec2 to 3 so the tests can be run. Migration will be complex.
Using GitLab with Jenkins (which 90% of our customers are doing) will get harder, the UI won't be as good and we'll never get a proper commit status api
@sytses definitely agree this is a concern. There will still need to be some sort of CI API for Jenkins and other CI to use. I don't think people will be happy if the Jenkin plugin stops working.
If this change goes ahead, I am afraid I will be unable to upgrade onto any Gitlab distribution until some sort of CI API is available. I rely on Jenkins, and it provides services to me that Gitlab CI never can. I feel that many users will feel the same.
Also, I would prefer not to be running an application that I don't use; hence wasting resources on my server.
From my experience it never works good if your engine relies on some data/models from original application. You loose advantages of standalone application and still fight problems that you would not have in monolithic application
The benefits are you can still opt in or out and keep code isolated while integrated.
But we dont need it to be separated. CI and CE have a lot of duplicate code. Merging it into one application will allow us to remove it.
Reading comments above I don't understand how this change affects Jenkins. Jenkins works via services in GitLab. It will continue work as usual. This issue is about integrating CI into CE code.
Also, I would prefer not to be running an application that I don't use; hence wasting resources on my server.
@ReidWeb its not running an application. It just GitLab will have more CI oriented features inside. I dont see any waste of resources. Its like other GitLab features that you might not use. For example I run GitLab but I don't use LDAP feature. That does not mean I am against people implementing LDAP feature in GitLab.
@ReidWeb It's not really clear from the issue description, but we did land on adding a Commit Status API after all. See and the commits after that. We will work on improving the experience for users that use other services than GitLab CI.
@freibuis after the merge it will be easier to neatly integrate other services (Jenkins, Codeship, etc.) with GitLab since we'll have a nice commit status api.
I am using GitLab and GitLab CI on two different machines (https://[git|ci] I really like to have GitLab installed on a very light server (with the strict minimum of software installed on it).
Of course the server on which the CI is running has a lot of things installed on it (java jre, maven, nodejs, etc.). And I do not want to install all those software on the same server.
Will I be able to solve this problem with docker? I have not yet tested docker with GitLab CI.
@cedricbonhomme you're doing wrong if you run your runners on your CI server.
Merging CI into GitLab has nothing to do with the location or servers your runners are installed on. You should never run test-executors on your GitLab or CI machine.
@widerin , thank you. I know this architecture. So, it is the time to fix my mistake.
Actually we have a runner on the CI (which is not really used). I think that I'll use this machine for the runners only. The other machine will be for GitLab onnly.
@sytse Completely forgot to a proper handover, sorry about that.
@dzaporozhets@vsizov If you have any questions about how I approached the migration, I'm available. The main things I've done is merging the Gemfiles (everything now has ~> version, which makes it easier to keep track of the two sides), merging the file trees (everything CI is in /ci/ folders in the appropriate places), and adding Ci:: namespaces to all controllers, models, helpers etc. @rspeicher worked on porting the specs from RSpec 2 to 3 at gitlab-org/gitlab-ci!246.
The first thing you'd need to do is probably update CI-inside-CE to CI master; it's currently based on gitlab-ci@3f0679ab, so it's somewhat behind (most of that is the RSpec 3 changes).
Will there be any rc release of the 8.0 version? I would really like to test the whole upgrade process from 7.14 to 8.0 with my "from source" installation on ARM to give some feedback :)