@creamzy I think this issue is about separate page where you can see list of forks (see screenshot above). It has nothing to do with GitLab Network page. You might be confused by link to HN.
According to HN link. From user comment I see its about extending Network page with branches/merged from forks for cases when users use fork workflow. This should be separate issue and discussion before we might consider implementing it. Problem with this approach is that it should not affect performance and should work for big amount of forks. Otherwise we get useless page like this:
@dzaporozhets I learned about extra difficulties of fork btn implementation and that is why I need to move milestone further. My initial idea was to introduce split btn Fork/ # of forks, where # of forks would lead to forked projects page. But to do it, we need to figure out how to solve split btn issue.
What milestone can you advise? I will attach design tomorrow anyway and unassign the issue but need to add milestone not to lose it. Maybe 8.4?
I prefer not to use tree view as it is almost impossible to navigate it in case there are lot's of forks, and one can end up with a lot of good code lost around that never makes its way back upstream. @dzaporozhets@adrianovieira how do you like this approach, when the structure is flat, but self-explanatory and easily sortable?
@dzaporozhetsFollowing is Starred , my bet. Yours is your own forks, if it makes sense from dev perspective.
As for the current project list, I know but it has no activity tracing, like last update, or creation date, so you can't really understand the value behind the fork. As fork is not necessary yours.
I do believe we have all this info available and just need to manifest it. If it's not like that I can use current project list view.
PS As for avatars, we gonna change their sizes to cut sizes variations to 2 main,so no worries. And I will switch blue colour to the grey as in the project list.
Most of the views from the left sidebar have their unique action, like
Merge Requests - New Merge request, milestones - New Milestone, in general we can support the same approach by promoting Fork Action,
or do you think it is enough to have it on a project home page @dzaporozhets ?
It is not a duplication, more like promoting most possible action in the context of an open screen.
@creamzy It should be fine. I kept compatibility for most pages. @rdavila just rebase on latest master and check that it looks good and uses new classes.