Currently, there is no pagination when there are a lot of rows for any of the stage events:
This makes it difficult to navigate as the scrollbar can get very tiny and there could be hundreds or thousands of rows. We could add pagination so the UX is nicer.
I propose we do the pagination logic in the backend, as that will speed things up a lot. We also need a UX design first for the frontend to work on.
@regisF@JobV: Would we need to indicate somewhere that we are limiting the amount of issues?
@hazelyang: Part of me wonders why this is a scrollable area inside the page, and I just kind of want the issue list to scroll as the page scrolls, having the stages on the left be sticky/fixed on screen as you scroll. Was that idea considered? Thanks!
Why not just limit the amount of issues in a patch release? We can do pagination in another release, if it's more work (!).
If we go for that, showing only X events or limiting the number of events (setting a maximum) is straightforward from the backend perspective. Probably not much to do in the frontend - apart from an indication that there's a limit/max.
@jameslopez just so we are clear: the total shown at the stage level still would count the total number of issues, regardless if we limit the number of events.
@regisF this is now implemented in the backend and the MR is ready to be merged. However, we probably want to do the Showing X of Y issues thing in the frontend first before merging... /cc @alfredo1
actually, now that I think about it this may require more work from the backend if we want to show the real Y - without the max. In fact, since we'll have to show this somehow in the JSON and also run an extra query to get the total number without the limit.... I would rather implement pagination directly.
This was meant to be a quick fix so we can put it in patch release and leave the pagination work to 8.15... My suggestion would be to either show something like limited to a maximum of 50 events if events > 50 (which just requires small work), or implement pagination directly - but this will take longer.
Totally get not overcomplicating this. If we can't have Showing X of Y, maybe just say Showing X events. If more explanation is needed, that can be added to the tooltip.
Thanks @samrose3! Using a tooltip is a good solution.
The text might be a little confusing. Does Limited to showing 50 events at most make sense?
Would it be possible to put a little warning icon next to the 'Showing 5 events' text only in the state that we are at max, showing 50 events, and show the tooltip from that icon? That way, you only get the tooltip in the situations where it is relevant. Let me know if that is out of scope... 😉
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