It would be nice if we had a subtle animation for things that currently just appear out of nowhere (like new system notes on an MR). @jschatz1 mentioned Facebook & Twitter as examples. They just have content sort of slide down to make room for the new content. It also might be cool, now that we (almost) have real-time pipelines, to have a subtle animation when the status changes from one to the other. For example if it switches from pending to running it could gradually fade to the next color, or the running icon could animate in a circular way. I know @dimitrieh was working on something like that. It would be a nice feature that would make GitLab more fun, just as long as the animations aren't in-your-face, or a strain on resources (like a neverending CSS animation). What do you think @awhildy?
A month ago, I was explored how much of a difference a subtle animation even has on reordering cards on the issue board (see the codepen here: But I love the idea of having a more generic approach of having a set of animations we can use for various situations (loading in content, moving content, updating text, etc.).
Maybe I can take a quick pass at categorizing these animations and listing out general guidance, easing/timing suggestions, etc. in the UX Guide, and then we can use that as a starting place to animating all the things! Let me know if that doesn't make sense
I think we should begin with the easy small animations. While not as exciting as some of the delightful animations that @dimitrieh as proposed, I think it is good to get the basics smooth first. My suggestions would be to begin with subtle things like hovers, and dropdowns, as although they are small, they will help the whole experience feel more polished. We can then start adding transitions for anytime we update something or we move something on screen (for example: #25630 (closed)). Once that is there, finding the right moments to add delightful animations will be the cherry on top.
Thanks @dimitrieh! I know we are moving away from jquery. I was using it as I was being lazy with my examples. My code shouldn't be used They are just meant to illustrate the animation.
I've added 3 issues in the description above. Some of the other 'update' animations will need to be added as we make elements more realtime. We are already getting them into MRs like !8357 (closed). I'm sure I'm missing other basic animations, but I think this will be a good start. Let me know if there are any concerns, questions, etc. Thanks!
Looks like this issue only has dropdowns left, which has an open MR. I am moving this to UX ready - please let me know if there is additional UX work needed.