We add icons to the first level items in the sidebar. This helps with recognition and will allow us to make a collapsible sidebar in the future.
We should only make this change once we have our own icons in the app. We don't want to confuse users by starting out with Font Awesome icons and then changing them.
The icons we create need to be very clear. For example, the Issues icon is not very recognizable right now and it'll be a problem if our navigation relies on unclear icons.
Issues icon: I think people might be most familiar with the icon GitHub are using. Moreover, we are also using it as part of the icon for the Resolve all discussions in new issue button. We can just use the same one and keep the icon analogy consistent.
Issues: I understand your rationale for changing the issues icon, but we've already had this discussion when adding the icons with badges to the top bar, next to the user avatar. Currently we have the “hashtag” icon because that's what we use to reference them. At the time we thought that using the exclamation mark would confuse people because of merge requests references and also because of warnings. Take a look at the new icons from Bitbucket's redesign. I'm open to revisiting this conversation and changing the icon if we decide on a good alternative.
Project: the “folder” icon clashes with its use for groups and subgroups
Snippets: don't forget about them I think a “scissors” icon would work very well here. Bitbucket has that as well (image)
@annabeldunstone Yes, it looks cleaner, I agree with you. This is part of an exploration to see if we can use the icons to make a collapsible sidebar in the future. Maybe we'll end up ditching the icons in the sidebar and using another pattern for reducing the size of the sidebar on smaller viewports. But yes, this is something we're going with.
I just found that we are using to indicate resolving all discussion in new issue. For consistency, I would use circle + exclamation mark icon for issue in the sidebar.
@hazelyang since people informally call issues 'tickets', I thought about using an icon of a ticket for issues, but we don't really call them that in GitLab. Just an idea we could try out?
If we have to choose between the hashtag and the exclamation mark I think I share @pedroms's view. The hashtag is more representative of issues in GitLab now that we use in the top bar and we could promote the association even more by making it an important part of the empty state illustrations, for example.
To me the exclamation mark means something is wrong, which can be representative of bug report issues. But since issues are used for feature proposals and general discussion too, I think it doesn't fit the purpose as well.
I'm not sure what the 'resolve all discussions' icon is supposed to mean. Maybe we can change that one, too. We could use a conversation bubble and a checkmark, for example.
I'm not sure what the 'resolve all discussions' icon is supposed to mean. Maybe we can change that one, too. We could use a conversation bubble and a checkmark, for example.
The icon means creating a new issue for the discussion in diff. I think maybe the point is creating a new issue. I am wondering if conversation bubble + checkmark icon would work. We discuss this icon later.
I think it can be just as good as the # if we use it everywhere (sidebar, top bar, empty states, etc.) It may even be better because we have the chance to give it a meaning of our own, whereas some people in testing seemed to associate # with Slack and therefore with messaging.
Fully agree with you @cperessini, I like it! I know from previous rounds of user testing, there's a close relationship between issues and ticketing systems, so I think users would get the connection.
Would we be changing the icon on the top nav? I imagine they should match. I think most people seemed to understand the pound symbol to mean issues, but Im open to changing so long as we are consistent!
I am used to the term 'tickets` as well since many of my workplaces used JIRA in the past. It has taken me quite a while to say 'issues' in place of 'tickets'.
I think @tauriedavis is correct that people seem to understand that the pound symbol means issues. I am curious if anyone knows why we chose the pound symbol? It doesn't correlate in my mind, but I am just so used to seeing it that I never really gave it much thought. I don't feel strongly one way or the other, but do agree that it will need to be consistent.
@hazelyang I like both the new Project and Issues icons. But before we change the issues icon everywhere, I would like to see how it works for the “resolving all discussion in new issue”. I think the new icon represents a collection of objects (in this case issues), which may not work well if we are referring to a single issue and also in smaller sizes.
What is the reason behind changing the issue icon? Maybe I missed it in the conversation above but in our testing, people seemed to understand the pound symbol. Do we need to change it? People also understood the checkmark as todos. It seemed like they tested well so if we change it, there should be a clear reason for how it improves recognition.
@sarahod included the following notes in the issues and recommendations section:
Area affected
Number of affected users
Recommendations / further comments
Related issue number
Issues icon
Issues icon was mistaken as ‘chat messages’ / related to Slack (out of context). Further emphasised by users typically hovering over the icon to read the tool tip before clicking it (within context).
Try testing a different icon with users.
We didn't ask users explicitly about the meaning of the icon in https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/ux-research/issues/7 but it was my impression that several of the users who succeeded at task 7 did so because of the tooltip more so than the icon itself.
My take is that the pound icon is not instantly recognizable. We can encourage people making the association by using it extensively in the app, but the same can be said of the new icon @hazelyang proposed.
I completely agree, though, that we should only make the change if we are certain the new icon will be more recognizable and a definite improvement.
@pedroms That makes sense within the idea that issues are used as 'tasks, tickets, things to do'. But isn't that what todos should strive to be? That makes me think we should stick with the checkmark for todos and use something different for issues.
I just found out we'll need a new icon for a new system note, 'Mark issue as duplicate'. I think @hazelyang's new icon could lend itself to simple variations, like putting two tickets side by side for this case.
We could also create an icon for 'Related issues' by linking two tickets together, etc.
That can't be done with the current icon, so I think this is an advantage of the new icon over the pound symbol.
No problem @hazelyang! Thanks for making them all!
Looking at some you have the description so far, I have some comments:
Monitoring looks just like a computer. Have you considered an icon that has some sort of graph like element?
I'm not sure I would understand the system hooks or application icons without having additional text. This is particularly tricky since when collapsed, there will be no supporting text. I don't really have any better suggestions, though. It may be a learned icon over time. Would a hook be too cheesy for system hooks? Like the key for deploy keys?
I like the abuse report icon Its cute even though its sad
Push Rules: I don't think it needs the “second” book on the background. It already gives the impression of a “rule book”, so one book is enough
Group and Project: These two icons seem to be trying to communicate their meaning on a different level.
The Project's “house” icon doesn't communicate “Project” but it does hint at “homepage”, so I would expect to also have the same “house” icon for the Group about page.
On the other hand, the Group's “people” icon doesn't communicate “homepage” but it tries to communicate “group of people”, very similar to the Members icon and to the Profile icon (adding another person).
I think it's easier to use the same “house” icon for both Project's and Group's about pages.
Woohoo! Looks like we've got an icon for everything. Thanks @hazelyang for organizing the icons into folders. It's going to be so much easier to implement!
For the issue icon I honestly didn't think of tickets but of playing cards (https://boardgamegeek.com/image/981505/uno ). I'm not sure if there is a way to make them look more tickety.
Maybe it's okay if they look like cards? Gamifying issues a little bit? Either way, maybe @sarahod could throw this into a quick research session so we see how it measures up to the previous pound symbol.