Team Lead Management Dashboard
This feature was requested during user interviews ( A feature request has been raised following discussion with the product team.
Users who are Development Team Leads want the ability to see what their team is working on in order to effectively manage and allocate resource.
Team Leads discussed how they currently have to look in multiple places within GitLab: issues board view, merge requests, etc to get an overview of what each member of their team is working on.
Some Team Leads have resorted to exporting data from GitLab into a spreadsheet to try and track what their team is working on. Spreadsheets are manually maintained, which causes a duplication of efforts (updating information within GitLab and on a spreadsheet) and there is a high risk of error (forgetting to update the spreadsheet to reflect information within GitLab).
Create a dashboard which is aimed at users who are Development Team Leads.
Allow users to select which projects they would like to report on within the dashboard (cumulative project view)
Provide users with the ability to filter the dashboard to show reporting/statistics for only one project (singular project view).
Give users the ability to export/print dashboard information.
Report on the following statistics within the dashboard:
Direct Reports
All issues a direct report has assigned to them. The following issue information should be displayed: issue number, title (which should also link to the relevant issue), estimated time to complete and labels. Users will need the ability to chose what issue labels they want to be displayed on the dashboard. Should the user's workflow not utilise all of the issue fields listed, they should be given the option to hide the field from their dashboard.
All merge requests a direct report has assigned to them. The following merge request information should be displayed: MR number, title (which should link to the relevant MR), related issue number (which should link to the relevant issue), estimated time to complete, pipeline status and labels. Users will need the ability to chose what MR labels they want to be displayed on the dashboard. Should the user's workflow not utilise all of the MR fields listed, they should be given the option to hide the field from their dashboard.
The number of issues a direct report has closed recently (per project/across all projects).
The number of MRs a direct report has merged recently (per project/across all projects).
The number of MRs a direct report has closed recently (per project/across all projects).
How many open issues a project has / across all projects.
How many issues have been closed recently on a project / across all projects.
The number of issues within a project / across all projects tagged with a particular label. Users will need the ability to chose what issue labels they want to be displayed on the dashboard.
How many open MRs a project has / across all projects.
How many MRs have been closed recently on a project / across all projects.
The number of MRs within a project / across all projects tagged with a particular label. Users will need the ability to chose what MR labels they want to be displayed on the dashboard.
Note: Where I've referenced 'recently' multiple times above, I think it might be best for users to determine what 'recently' means to them - e.g. let them filter by 1 week, 1 month, etc. For a MVP, I would recommend 'recently' refers to what has happened in the last 2 weeks (in alignment with the agile 2-week sprint).
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