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Fix Spinach and Capybara dependencies

Stan Hu requested to merge sh-fix-capybara-features into master

This fixes a problem where all Spinach tests were failing due to the error, "ArgumentError: rack-test requires a rack application, but none was given".

Trying to use the Rack::Test driver in Spinach.hooks.before_run is a bit tricky. It looks like this driver is registered when capybara/rails is loaded. However, the Spinach runner does the following things:

  1. Loads the env.rb and other files in features/support
  2. Loads the Rails framework
  3. Runs the before_run hook

Attempt to load the capybara/rails gem before initializing of the framework yields exceptions due to undefined methods and constants.

This MR fixes this by loading the required definitions in the before_run hook, just as the spinach-rails gem does, which we do not appear to be actually using. Adding require 'spinach-rails' does not help because registering multiple hooks does not guarantee that the right dependencies will be loaded in time. We can probably remove this gem since we do not appear to be using it.

Closes #30347 (closed)

Merge request reports
