Adding rss feeds for tags
What does this MR do?
Adding atom on tags project.
Are there points in the code the reviewer needs to double check?
Why was this MR needed?
Usefull when tracking multiple projects for release using the atom feed.
Screenshots (if relevant)
Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?
Changelog entry added, if necessary -
Documentation created/updated -
API support added - Tests
Added for this feature/bug -
All builds are passing
Conform by the merge request performance guides -
Conform by the style guides -
Branch has no merge conflicts with master
(if it does - rebase it please) -
Squashed related commits together
What are the relevant issue numbers?
Closes #2635 (moved)
Merge request reports
- Resolved by username-removed-378947
- Resolved by username-removed-378947
- Resolved by username-removed-378947
- Resolved by username-removed-378947
- Resolved by username-removed-378947
- Resolved by username-removed-378947
- Resolved by username-removed-378947
- Resolved by username-removed-378947
@khim.tieu.philippe thanks a lot for the contribution!
💚 I left some feedback / questions for you.added Community Contribution ~480950 labels
assigned to @khim.tieu.philippe
I also created to tackle the duplication that we have in the templates (but that's a separate issue, if you want to address it as well, please open a separate merge request
😄 ).@adamniedzielski I just push it
😄 @khim.tieu.philippe since you already implemented, can you rebase this merge request and use the newly introduced layout?
@adamniedzielski No problem about the layout
added 316 commits
- 57388c83...5f42009f - 294 commits from branch
- 5f3a83df - Adding atom format support on tags controller
- f74c927f - Adding atom template for tags#index
- 73afe2ec - [ui] adding rss icon on project/tags page
- 168be3bf - Adding atom link on HEAD and update class for atom link
- 62a9c813 - Adding a test to check if the link is rendered
- 3fd99f22 - Adding feature rss tests on tags
- 43226074 - Move rss button next to New Tag button
- 3d981498 - cleantup comment lines
- 42bc3044 - Adding contrib file
- cf1ada1d - Replace double quote by single quote
- 019a875c - Replace double quote by single quote when possible, update first link by self in…
- d096846a - Replace double quote by single quite, and remove an empty line
- 756f856e - On tests, replace << for project.add_developper
- ca622b50 - adding tests on tags atom feed
- 6de8568a - Fix on atom tags, we need to get the commit before to do anything
- dd7d27ba - Start adding test on Atom feed, but with xpath we do have a strange thing...
- a4587ac4 - Update tests on controllers and features
- d6bc3c08 - Use xml.atom layout to render rss feed on project/tags
- f547ac19 - On tags controller spec, do not tests the output
- 0991eb09 - Adding a shared test for rss to check if the page is an atom feed
- bbc5c0f1 - Update tests on project/tags by testing and checking atom feed
- ca3ce5b9 - replace double quote by simple quote
Toggle commit list- 57388c83...5f42009f - 294 commits from branch
@adamniedzielski So as you suggest I've updated the tests to click on the feed, and adding some tests on the atom feeds. Feel free to give me some feedback.
31 xml = Nokogiri::XML(page.body) { |config| config.noblanks } 32 33 expect(page.response_headers['Content-Type']).to have_content 'application/atom+xml' 34 35 # Check root feed with namespace 36 expect(xml.xpath('/atom:feed', 'atom' => '')).not_to be_empty 37 38 # remove all namespace for more simplicity 39 xml.document.remove_namespaces! 40 expect(xml.xpath('/feed/id')).not_to be_empty 41 expect(xml.xpath('/feed/title')).not_to be_empty 42 expect(xml.xpath('/feed/link')).not_to be_empty 43 expect(xml.xpath('/feed/updated')).not_to be_empty 44 expect(xml.xpath('/feed/entry')).not_to be_empty 45 end 46 end - spec/features/projects/tags/rss_spec.rb 0 → 100644
10 login_as(user) 11 visit namespace_project_tags_path(project.namespace, project, :master) 12 end 13 14 describe 'visit project tags page' do 15 it_behaves_like "it has an RSS button with current_user's RSS token" 16 it_behaves_like "an autodiscoverable RSS feed with current_user's RSS token" 17 18 describe 'click atom link' do 19 before do 20 click_link 'Tags feed' 21 releases = project.releases 22 pp releases 23 end 24 25 it_behaves_like "the page is an atom feed" - spec/features/projects/tags/rss_spec.rb 0 → 100644
1 require 'spec_helper' 2 3 feature 'Project Tags RSS', :feature do 4 let(:project) { create(:project, :repository, visibility_level: Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PUBLIC) } @khim.tieu.philippe okay, thanks for the investigation! In that case, let's change it to
create(:project, :repository, :public)
(we can use FactoryGirl trait here).
- spec/features/projects/tags/rss_spec.rb 0 → 100644
@adamniedzielski I've also add a rss tests for projects/groups activities rss feed.
Can I add the the rss tests with this MR?
@khim.tieu.philippe please submit these tests as a separate merge request, because they are not related to this feature.
@smcgivern pinging you in an ongoing community contribution.