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WIP: add storybook

Simon Knox requested to merge 34046-storybook into master

Try it

  1. git checkout 34046-storybook and yarn to install deps
  2. Storybook loads styles served from GDK, so GDK needs to be running on port 3000. For other ports, configure in .storybook/preview-head.html. This will change with scss-loader, or when I think of something better
  3. run yarn storybook to start storybook dev server
  4. visit localhost:6006
  5. To edit stories, go to stories/index.js

See docs/examples/etc in

SPIKE to add storybook to test Vue components

Example rendering Widget with the contents of spec/javascripts/vue_mr_widget/mock_data.js Can add different values to the bottom to switch between states, or save combinations on the left side



  • add styles. can either add CSS file to template, or wait for sass loader
  • remove camelize
  • remove default stories
  • add some examples

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Closes #34046 (closed)

Edited by Simon Knox

Merge request reports