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Make entrypoint and command keys to be array of strings

Following the discussion at this MR is changing a little the syntax of recently added .gitlab-ci.yml options.

The initial work was done in !8578 (merged). It added new syntax to the .gitlab-ci.yml:

  name: image-name
  entrypoint: /some/command

- name: image-name
  alias: service-alias
  entrypoint: /some/command
  command: echo "command name"

However, Docker expects that entrypoint and command options will be passed as arrays of strings. @ayufan noticed here - - that splitting provided string with " " is not a good idea since it doesn't handle the string in the way that shell is doing this. After thinking about this I decided to resolve the problem with the syntax present in Dockerfile - make the entrypoint and command a string arrays. We could of course prepare a proper parser on the Runner's side, but this approach creates the MVP and at the same moment it introduces a syntax that Docker users are already aware of. With changes from this MR the above example would look like

  name: image-name
  entrypoint: ["/some/command"]

- name: image-name
  alias: service-alias
  entrypoint: ["/some/command"]
  command: ["echo", "command name"]

@ayufan @grzesiek Could you look on this?

This MR introduces changes that should be included in the documentation MR - !12164 (merged).

This MR is not updating CHANGELOG - it's an update to !8578 (merged) which will be released in the same version and which contains the CHANGELOG entry.

Edited by Tomasz Maczukin

Merge request reports