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Follow-up from "Allow to use cross project pipelines"

Shinya Maeda requested to merge feature/sm/35282-ci_pipeline_variables into master

What does this MR do?

This MR adds Ci::PipelineVariables model to create new room for persisting variables on pipeline. Previously, we did with trigger_request, however, it limits situations to use, so we'll switch to Ci::PipelineVariables.

Also, this MR imports relevant codes from EE as many as possible. This is for avoiding conflicts to EE.

Are there points in the code the reviewer needs to double check?

Should we delete app/services/ci/create_trigger_request_service.rb?

Why was this MR needed?

This MR is needed for which is Deliverable for %9.5.

Screenshots (if relevant)


Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?

What are the relevant issue numbers?

/cc @ayufan

Edited by Shinya Maeda

Merge request reports