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Make notification dropdowns consistent

Winnie Hellmann requested to merge winh-notification-dropdowns into master

What does this MR do?

Change notification dropdowns to new style. This affects only profile settings and group notifications. Project notification settings have already been handled by !13193 (merged).


Before After
Screen_Shot_2017-08-17_at_10.46.34 Screen_Shot_2017-08-17_at_10.40.45
Screen_Shot_2017-08-17_at_10.46.49 Screen_Shot_2017-08-17_at_10.40.24
Screen_Shot_2017-08-15_at_09.47.02 Screen_Shot_2017-08-15_at_09.49.27

What are the relevant issue numbers?

#28921 (moved), #35424 (closed)

Edited by Winnie Hellmann

Merge request reports