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Hide CI section markers from job trace

Alessio Caiazza requested to merge 37970-timestamped-ci into master

What does this MR do?

This is a parser for CI sections marker in jobs trace. Markers will be hidden in HTML views but still available on raw output.

<code class="bash js-build-output">
Running with gitlab-runner dev (HEAD)<br>
  on minikube (d736dc6b)<br>
Using Kubernetes namespace: default<br>
Using Kubernetes executor with image golang:1.7 ...<br>
<div class="term-section-marker" data-action="start" data-timestamp="1505912384" data-section="prepare_script">section_start:1505912384:prepare_script</div>
Waiting for pod default/runner-d736dc6b-project-11-concurrent-0zv7x1 to be running, status is Pending<br>
Waiting for pod default/runner-d736dc6b-project-11-concurrent-0zv7x1 to be running, status is Pending<br>
Waiting for pod default/runner-d736dc6b-project-11-concurrent-0zv7x1 to be running, status is Pending<br>
Running on runner-d736dc6b-project-11-concurrent-0zv7x1 via kitsune.local...<br>
<div class="term-section-marker" data-action="end" data-timestamp="1505912396" data-section="prepare_script">section_end:1505912396:prepare_script</div>
<div class="term-section-marker" data-action="start" data-timestamp="1505912396" data-section="get_sources">section_start:1505912396:get_sources</div>
<span class="term-fg-l-green term-bold">Cloning repository...</span><br>
Cloning into '/tests/test-runner-2148'...<br>
[ ... cut ... ]

Timestamp, section name, and action (start/end) are extracted as data-* attributes in case we want to use them in frontend

Are there points in the code the reviewer needs to double check?

Why was this MR needed?

With we will start sending timestamped section markers

Screenshots (if relevant)

Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?

What are the relevant issue numbers?

#37970 (closed)

cc: @ayufan @bikebilly

Edited by Kamil Trzcińśki

Merge request reports