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Implement Build Artifacts

Kamil Trzcińśki requested to merge artifacts into master

This implements #3028 (closed)

  1. It stores artifacts in shared/artifacts,
  2. It adds artifacts to .gitlab-ci.yml,
  3. We use GitLab Workhorse to offload artifacts uploading,
  4. To download artifacts it uses GitLab Workhorse X-Sendfile extension,
  5. There's one "artifact" per-build. The new upload removes previous one and creates a new one,
  6. Default max artifact size is set to 100MB - this can be changed in settings.

Missing things:

  1. Support for .gitlab-ci.yml: artifacts: true or git-ls-files which will upload all non tracked files,
  2. Artifacts passing between builds.

GitLab Workhorse changes: GitLab Runner changes:


  untracked: true # default: false
  paths: # default: empty
  - bin/files

Merge request reports